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  1. Hi! How do I delete windows vm from QEMU on macOS(installed via Homebrew)? Do I just delete the qcow2 hard disk file or is there more to it?
  2. ok I love the bit about the Jericho trumpets. Anyway I won't buy that cheap speaker, also I don't care about the speaker quality because I will be listening on headphones but I will save up for some audiotechnica one at least which will probably be better( I mean it would definitely be better).
  3. yeah well I heard good things about vinyl that's why I was surprised. I have never listened to one so I am not gonna defend it too much, also I titled it like this because I meant a record player actually but I have no idea they are different. As you can see I am very new to vinyl:). I just have like 2 or three vinyl records and I have yet to hear them to decide if I want to continue buying them.
  4. I see. Well ok. I mean I am gonna have to get a record player at some point because I already have vinyls and I am curious what the sound will be, but maybe I will hold off for now.
  5. hmm yeah I know they are expensive, I already have some but I don't have a record player yet. Not very reassuring about the sound quality. I mean I am used to the sound quality of cds and hi-res digital music, I heard that vinyl has sound quality unheard of in anything else, I don't know some people really praise it. Is it really worse? Compared to the digital versions I mentioned.
  6. hmm yeah I will ask on dedicated forums. So I should maybe wait and buy the audiotechnica one. Or some other used one. I will ask in dedicated forums and see what they think as well.
  7. Also to rephrase my question, will it play my vinyl records properly and without damaging them or without skipping and stuff? That's the only thing I care about. It looks good, it has headphone out and RCA and build quality doesn't matter too much so that's the question now
  8. well yeah but higher price doesn't always mean high quality. I generally want to get that audiotechnica one but it's too expensive. I am sure that one will be great quality though. Also I don't need built in speakers, I just need a headphone output. As for digital vs analog, that's irrelevant to the question so please don't say don't buy it because digital is better. I am aware of the drawbacks, I also buy cds so I like digital media but I have already decided and bought vinyl records, so please don't bother to come with that argument. I will hold off for now, but I need an expert opinion someone that actually knows not just based on price. Trust me I would have bought the audiotechnica one already if I could but it's too expensive.
  9. Hey, is this speaker good? Should I buy it? Is it high quality? Does it have anti-skate? https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Turntable-Speakers-Vintage-Entertainment/dp/B0CSSQ3B21/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3JZZ7X7YJ6HIW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5aF-S-I2b7ZwPi1eTiiZf5_DMXEHUzmChmaGtCLADOEr0cUvbpbPiCmg19rnafSlmINRbjCOU590NdFuE7llMIFHbuLPrw3FYEGemlNiG0xCc7oIDU4IK_8295PrSqhMDi6yJG_kUlimZm_RynghcaF9XDt_mpL_NLgL-DWn-_MIRbBLSCNpGu4CcAC9GZnodhbpEbDytSqHBiTj37dM-jyN_pXehO-Rzj-gUM5FCiQ.6GloZAaLfU62Y7u8Fgh_156VKAlou9MMAt91cyTfwgQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=record+player&qid=1713247184&sprefix=record+playe%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-8
  10. that's ok, me too I guess I could try to contact Samsung to ask them if the smart tv is even compatible with Analog Devices and if it is, I could get a technician come look at it or something. I mean if it doesn't work, it doesn't work whatever I am gonna get a new dvd in the future or just use something else, if it works, that's great but anyway thanks for trying to help! If someone else knows something in the meantime you are free to chime in anytime but thanks to everyone for the replies!
  11. well it didn't work, I tried a 3A adapter since I didn't have an 1A. Do you think that's fine? It was still the same as before like that
  12. no to the tv. Should I try in an AC adapter?
  13. well my converter is yellow red white and the sacra cable to the other three cables too, so composite. Any idea why it doesn't work? I get a blue screen saying No Signal when I go to its output. I don't have the option to buy another dvd player right now, plus I need to use usb on my dvd so that will probably limit my options and I want to keep my current one.
  14. sorry it's this exact model https://www.amazon.com/Converter-Amtake-Composite-Adapter-Supporting/dp/B07MJTR9KS/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jyKXYlQyv6VvJp2Fw3lbhjyF2mnxxfuwKkSvF-PpMZLQB4qQv-BQkjrwT1y07iI104GNz8fZQVKB431ZRFS7Ug3Oh9-yATGaOjD8CRRSwzUwpEYCHJ2M-sIGv8abIxyEoQMC_tIHNmrgFRjdohGP8zKtPZNU-meniU1gUB-SuYDu_i5mER62RVEodQrsBZrH4fOu665KEP9AfbHPdGTwGOfq1VaullRxeYRmG1guAgM.ryYiUBVVp20GX_O2KBk8eCwqqfQBQYa6beM2lMMQ_zk&dib_tag=se&keywords=av2hdmi&qid=1709481040&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 but white so this one: