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Ben Mitchell

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  1. The Official Page for this is now public: https://developer.apple.com/shazamkit/
  2. Not sure. I have attached the file for you.
  3. As part of the iOS 15, iPadOS 15 and macOS Monterey seeding, Apple has also released a framework called "ShazamKit for Android". It is a 2.53mb ZIP file. The file contains a website and other documents explaining what it is: This can be downloaded by Apple Developers on the Apple Developer website. I am not sure how Android developers would download it without a developer account. Also not sure if this needs to be a paid account or not (Mine is an enterprise account) EDIT: The official page is now public: https://developer.apple.com/shazamkit/
  4. Over the last few hours, Microsoft has announced they have patched a remote code execution in the Windows (server) DNS server. (CVE-2020-1350). There are already patches and workarounds, these need to be applied ASAP. You can find the article on the MSRC page here TLDR; If you cannot apply the patch you can quickly deploy a registry workaround which will mitigate the risk until you can fully patch it. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters DWORD = TcpReceivePacketSize Value = 0xFF00 NOTE: this requires a DNS service restart. Edit: Specify that it only affects the server variants. Edit2: Take this with a grain of salt but there seems to be someone claiming responsibility for it over on twitter.