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  1. does anyone know of any that at least plays most games at decent frames in low-medium quality?
  2. ok thanks ill check it out :) any prebuilts in particular that anyone would recommend?
  3. I probably would get a better value, but I have very little experience with making PCs. I'd rather simply buy a prebuilt machine to start off with, and then maybe upgrade it along the way if possible.
  4. It's motherboard was made in 2012.... by Foxconn... so... It's an office desktop, not really supposed to be meant for playing games at high quality, which is why I want to invest some money into getting a newer and decent one.
  5. Okay so... I like to do gaming, recordings, video editing, digital design and more on my current pc. The thing is, that the fps and quality can be very low, so I have decided to try to get a new one. I know I'm going to get backlash for saying this, but: I want to find a pre-built PC. Please dont come at me for this I came here mainly for any recommendations some people may have. I'm looking for a budget gaming PC, which is at least under £500, that can do everything I stated above with no problems. I want to be able to edit high quality videos without having problems, I want to play most games at 1080p, I want to be able to record without a major FPS drop which makes the game unplayable. Are there any recommendations for what I could consider getting? I recently had my eyes set on this gaming PC by Fierce Gaming: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fierce-Gaming-PC-Compatible-Crusader/dp/B07S42KJPR/ref=pd_di_sccai_5/260-0573745-1209439?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07S42KJPR&pd_rd_r=1f1e5b8f-1d4c-4066-8735-1c2e84325c23&pd_rd_w=gSMVH&pd_rd_wg=CbojX&pf_rd_p=08710768-875d-48b8-9dd1-e960a266ba51&pf_rd_r=D086HCJD92Z66SX40AA5&psc=1&refRID=D086HCJD92Z66SX40AA5 All I'm asking for is some kind of guidance to what PC would suit me the best. Thanks