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  1. My issue is with laptops, you end up paying a premium for a 4K OLED laptop with Razer or Alienware or ect but they don't have the hardware to actually push 60hz 4K inside. So you end up having to pull back the resolution to 1080p. If you could have a 4K option and a 1080p one with the same size, say 15 inches, would that be any different? Also I already see differing opinions on the subject, appreciate everyone's input though.
  2. Hello everyone I've read about everything availabe on the internet on this particular subject and from what I understood: -One has square pixels and the other has circular ones. (Can't remember which's which of the top of my head) -4K is exactly 4 times pixels compared to 1080p that helps scaling vs something like 1440p to 4K. -Scaling would basically cause a single 1080p pixel to be stretched to a point that it fits 4 4K pixels, roughly speaking of course. According to points 1 and 3 people claim that 1080p on 4K screen causes extra aliasing and less than optimal image compared to a 1080p native display. So while what they claim seems logical based on those point, wouldn't size of a given display and the size of the actual pixels themselves (4 4K pixels equalling 1 1080p one) offset those effect? Also is there really a difference in visual quality based on your experiences? Given that if you want an OLED laptop they typically come with a 4K screen while lacking the hardware to actually push 60hz in 4K therefore forcing the user to pull the res down to 1080p in most if not all games, this is a subject that I feel maybe LTT can shed some light on.