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  1. Do you remember the days when your android had to shut down for almost half an hour to update? If you do, rejoice! Those days are finally over (for good this time). Google is going to be forcing the remaining vendors (namely Samsung) who have not switched over to the Seamless Update system to start using it for Android R (11). What does this mean? Well, basically it means that your phone will not be forced to shut down to update. All it will require is a quick reboot when one partition is updated. From Android Nougat (7.0) and onward, this system has been in place and used by most phone companies using the android operating system. The seamless update was originally found in Chrome OS. This feature creates two versions of the system files each stored in separate partitions. This is done so that the phone can still be in use on one partition can be updated during use, then seamlessly switch over to that updated version of the system files (hence the name). Android has taken another step towards being an even better operating system! https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/04/google-makes-seamless-update-support-mandatory-in-android-11/