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  1. Great PC for a living room or for someone who wants a small PC but not a laptop
  2. K45HISH Man that monitor is good - https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY and https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj
  3. hmm ..... if win this i think ill give it to my mom .. or use it for streaming games to my tv using steam
  4. Hoping to win this cpu ... that way i can get a 970 rather than a r9 285
  5. Love the fact that the phone is waterproof including the open headphones jack
  6. Love the sleek and thin design ........ keeping in mind this is a pretty powerful gaming notebook
  7. Love the speakers and the amazed that the battery life is so long even after the low capacity