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Everything posted by Dravinian

  1. I think you will be sacrificing a very small amount of gaming performance (like 5%) 'generally' by going AMD 3900x (it is better than the 3950x but still not as good as a 9900k for gaming). My only hesitation would be regarding Flight Sim, I think you should probably ask in the Gaming Section whether there is any significant impact from AMD vs Intel - there might be people who hang there but don't have servers and the title wouldn't draw them here. This is not a game that makes the usual benchmarks, so I don't have any information on the performance hit and sometimes the hit can be as high as 15% between the 3900x and the 9900k (rare cases), but if that game is one of those, then it might form part of the consideration for you. I do think that quicksync will help you with the hardware (hw) transcoding, but bear in mind that if you intend to use FreeNAS you will struggle with hw encoding on an i9. If you are not running FreeNAS then depending on your use case, the GPU could handle the hw transcoding with the AMD just fine (I run a GPU and AMD doing hw transcoding on a Plex server on windows). I can see why you flipped back and forth to be honest. If it comes to it, flip a coin, I don't think it will really make a difference.
  2. I disagree, it would depend on the purpose of the desktop. Either one of those CPUs is going to be overkill for "a couple of VMs". I run a couple of VMs on an i7 4790k. What do you intend to do on the desktop? Play games? browse the web? Watch TV/Movies/Youtube? Compile Code? Render 3d Models? Edit and encode 4k movies? Without knowing that I don't see how anyone can give you an opinion on which you should use in the server.
  3. Mine was: 2014 i7-4790k 16gb 2400mhz RAM SLI'd GTX 970s Rampage Motherboard Evo SSD It lasted me til about March 2020, and honestly, I didn't have to upgrade. It was still chugging along fine, but I wanted a taste of the finer things so opted for a 2080 ti and a 3900x. Can't say I am unhappy with a PC lasting 6 years. There are people that upgrade every 2 years and I think we probably spent the same amount of money over time.
  4. The epoch time isn't a bad idea, and I did think about this and the Universal Time thing that counts up from 01/01/1970 or something (going from memory here they could be the same thing). I just thought there had to be a better way.
  5. dammit, I had gotten to the point of using int.TryParse(datePicker1.Text, out date1) Did not, in all of my googling come across DateTime.TryParse. Thank you, implemented and working pefectly. I really do appreciate this actually, I couldn't turn my brain off trying to work out how to do this and I wasn't gonna fall asleep for long time without a fix...so very grateful thanks!
  6. But bear in mind, it is now 3.30am so I am going to bed, any assistance will lauded greatly when I wake up. Thanks.
  7. This one has baffled me, and I can't work out why it is happening at all. My code: string date1; string date2; date1 = datePicker1.Text; date2 = datePicker2.Text; int compareResult1 = date1.CompareTo(date2); if (compareResult1 < 0) This works, if you put in the 26/07/2020 and then put in 25/07/2020, it will tell you that the second date is earlier than the first. However, if I put the 27/07/2020 and then put in 01/08/2020 it will tell me that the second date is earlier than the first - which it is clearly not. This is of course localised to my date format, so if you are using a different format, just assume that it is 07/27/2020 compared to 08/01/2020 and it is telling you that 08/01/2020 is earlier. I did a massive amount of searching around DateTime, CompareTo, TryParse etc etc. and a lot of it is very old and refers to using a DatePicker.Value and DateTime...but there is no DatePicker.Value in WPF, and if you try many many many of the methods it comes back "cannot implicity convert to a string" There must be a simple way to compare two dates from a DatePicker and say which one comes first? After what I imagine is two hours of banging my head against Google I come seeking aid...
  8. For anyone that is following along at home.... The above won't work either. it will return an error even if you input > 7 bits. Had a cup of tea and a think, this works: string phrase = SpreadsheetValue.Text; string[] words = phrase.Split('\t'); int tooLow = words.Count(); if (tooLow < 7) { MessageBox.Show("The data has been entered incorrectly. Please try again."); return; } So hopefully my stupidity may help someone in the future.
  9. int tooLow; int.TryParse(phrase, out tooLow); if (tooLow < 7) { MessageBox.Show("The data has been entered incorrectly. Please try again."); return; } Goddamit. I spent two hours debating whether to post this question, as I felt sure that I could find an answer. Then immediately after pressing enter, I realise that 'return' is the code I need, I just had it in the wrong damn place. What an idiot. The code is above if anyone happens to search and find this post looking for an answer.
  10. I have 10 bits of data copied into a TextBox and delimited by a TAB. If there are less than 7 pieces of data entered (or entered in a format that cannot be .Split by the preset delimiter) I want to throw up an error and send the user back to correct it. This all happens on an ApplyButton_Click event (I am working on learning better event handlers but it is tricky because the user can button press while still in the textBox) and has to enter 10 bits of data, so it is hard to event handle something that is ongoing when the user can press a button at anytime with the mouse without leaving the textBox. I tried this first: int tooLow; int.TryParse(phrase, out tooLow); if (tooLow < 7) { MessageBox.Show("The data has been entered incorrectly. Please try again."); } The form appears to work, as if it is less than 7 bits of data delimited by a Tab, you get the message, and if it is 10 bits of data but not split by Tab, then you get an error as the .Split will only see 1 string and cannot produce substrings. I press ok in the MessageBox, it throws up an exception as a later part of code needs 7 bits of data (taking data from array positions, which don't exist if less than 7 bits of data or not delimited correctly). So I tried: bool broken = true; int tooLow while (broken) { int.TryParse(phrase, out tooLow); if (tooLow < 7) { MessageBox.Show("The data has been entered incorrectly. Please try again."); } break; } Which again works, but throws up the same error. Now I added the 'break' because without it, if I press ok in the MessageBox it just pops up again, because it is still below 7, I can't put an if x > 7 as the user never has a chance to correct the mistake as they can never get out of the MessageBox I am stuck in an infinite While/If Loop. I looked at Do loops but they don't help as it creates the same issue. What I would like to do is end ApplyButton event but leave up the GUI ready for further input and the possibility of another ApplyButton event. There is a lot of user input so I don't want to reset the entire GUI for the error. I have googled for "cancel ApplyButton" and variants of that, but I have not found a solution. So come seeking your wisdom!
  11. I used Inno Set Up and it seemed pretty straight forward. Seems to have been around for awhile, but I don't really know much about it.
  12. What are you talking about? My ISP doesn't get my log in details, and nor does the VPN whether they are all the same or not.
  13. I gotta say this somewhere, I feel awesome. I have written a program that takes userinputs, data, then re-orders data and inputs and spits out data in a specified pattern. Ok maybe not that hard. BUT.... I also made it so that it double checks your inputs and the dates you entered, so that you haven't made a mistake!!! And if you do, it pops up and says....you sure about that matey?.... That is a thing of beauty...lol very easy for some of you, but for me, this is like baby's first proper program and it feels good. I appreciate the help of this forum, and stack overflow, that got me where I need to be!
  14. Oh and as a crowning bonus, by parsing out the information by '\t' Excel recognises that tabs should be the delimiter and parses the information by Tab and not by Space, so it automatically all goes into the spreadsheet without the user doing anything. Glorious!!!
  15. Nice one fella, tabs are now in the TextBox and I am therefore able to delimit by that and keep my spaces! Thank you! I will do the same to the output box now and the user can simply paste into one cell and then text to columns by tab to get the result they need.
  16. Ignore me, I have not implemented it properly yet, let me get it right...
  17. I tried this and it did not work unfortunately. Been a real head scratcher for me this one.
  18. That sounds promising, I will look into it now. I did consider whether doing this in WinForms was the better option, if the truth be told, I just found a really good tutorial on using WPF so used that if there had been a better WinForm tutorial that I had found I would likely to have done it in that. There was no programming reason for this decision.
  19. Just to test it because while I believed that was what was happening, due to the way it acted, I was not 100% certain. So I got notepad++ which I had been meaning to get for awhile. Copied a row of cells into it, and did show symbols and saw -> for tab markings. Pasted it into a text box, then immediately copied it all and pased it back to Notepad++ .....all -> markings gone, and replaced with a space. This is what lead me to thinking about a grid paste set-up, someway in which those original tab markings can have an impact in the way that the data is pasted.
  20. Absolutely. My only issue is that a text box within WPF appears to wipe that and replace the content with just spaces. So when I then .Split the string, the only choice to split by is spaces. Which then screws me over because i have other spaces in the data which I would like to keep. And thank you for taking the time to read that, I realise it was a lot of information.
  21. Also, if anyone actually reads through that, and can think of a better way of doing this, happy to take on that idea. My idea of grid pasting is only a way I thought about doing it to make it work.
  22. Hey all, I have been working on a project and the project works - to a degree. But, and there is always a but, I do not think that it will work without user input in all the cases that it will encounter and that will prove difficult. The data is coming from an excel spreadsheet in windows, the output will be put into a different excel spreadsheet in windows. I cannot have the program access or interact with either of the spreadsheets (they are not always available on the users machine 365 etc and there are security concerns). So I can't use any of the automated functions, it must be copy paste into the program, copy paste out of the program. Current method: string phrase = SpreadsheetValue.Text; string[] words = phrase.Split(" "); string eFN1 = words[2]; string eFN2 = words[5]; string eFN3 = words[4]; string eCN1 = words[3]; string eCN2 = words[7]; Where SpreadsheetValue.Text comes from a textbox into which the user copies the original spreadsheet data which is spread over several cells (the cells are ignored by TextBox and it creates just a space) The program does the following: Takes ordered data copied from a spreadsheet; Reorders some of the data and adds data also entered into the program elsewhere; Provides an output that can be copied into a pre-ordered spreadsheet in the correct order necessary to simply paste the data. Method used to output data: this.OutPutValue.Text += eFN1 + eFN2 + eFN3; this.OutPutValue.Text += " "; this.OutPutValue.Text += NameValue.Text this.OutPutValue.Text += " "; this.OutPutValue.Text += eCN1 + eCN2; this.OutPutValue.Text += " "; NameValue.text is a text box into which the user manually enters data. I have three problems: 1. The data output needs to go to a spreadsheet and I am currently using " " as a means to split the data into cells when pasted (either automatically or through 'text-to-colums'). 2. Some of the cells have a " " within the data (ex. "Hello World") and I am losing that spacing (eFN1 + eFN2) so that it goes into a single cell when pasted, looking like this: HelloWorld 3. Some cells will have a " " sometimes, but not always. Which means that when I delimiter the String with Split, I will get a different location in the array for particular cells of data. (this one is breaking me - I can live with no spacing in the words) To explain 3, because I am not sure I entirely understand that sentence and I wrote it.... The data could look like this - where \ indicates a cell wall in excel: Monday \ Tuesday \ Not Today \ Wednesday But sometimes, "Not Today" will say "Today". Currently, when I break this into an array, using " ", I get: 0 = Monday 1 = Tuesday 2 = Not 3 = Today 4 = Wednesday However, on other occasions it will look like this: 0 = Monday 1 = Tuesday 2 = Today 3 = Wednesday So my eFN1 + eFN2 will say TuesdayNot or TuesdayToday depending on the data. Which is not good enough for this to work. These words will change every time - the days are just examples to assist explanation, and I cannot delimit by a specific character, a word or a number of characters into the string - so can't use str.Length as the words are not always the same length (some are but those always have spaces in the same place). My thought process is that there must be a way in which the data can be 'ingested' into the program so that it is in a grid fashion, based on the way in which excel copies cells? However, looking for that online is a nightmare, as every single answer out there appears to talk about automation or data or being able to copy data out of a DataGrid and I just can't find an answer due to the keywords I need to use. I was thinking that I could copy paste the data into the program in such a way that the data is automatically split into boxes, not by a space but by the cell walls of Excel as the clipboard carries that data in it - as it will copy paste to cells within Excel. I just can't find whether that is possible, and if it is, how I would do it. Bit long winded this I know, but it was difficult to explain the problem.
  23. Where do you think I got the price of 9,000 more than the 26,500 expensive monitor? https://www.amazon.in/LG-Ultragear-27-inch-Compatible-Monitor/dp/B07TD94TQF/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=LG+Ultragear+27-inch+IPS&qid=1595372670&s=computers&sr=1-4 This is also the second one in the list from the link that you posted. It is a 27" IPS 1ms 1440p monitor with G-Sync, and it is a good monitor.
  24. Sorry, i thought you were talking about that monitor, just looked at your link and realised you were talking about a different one. Dunno where I got the idea that you were talking about the 850-B. I would say, why not save up and get the 850-B though, it is a great monitor, and only like 9,000 of whatever those things are more than the linked expensive one.
  25. No it is QHD and it is 1440p. https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-27GL850-B-gaming-monitor