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  1. So i need to write this program and i am lost at declaring arrays... Can someone help me out with the assignment. Create a class called DynamicStringArray which includes member functions that allow it to emulate the behaviour of a vector of strings. The class must have: A private member variable called dynamicArray which references a dynamic array of type string A private member variable called size which holds the number of entries in the array A default constructor which sets the size 0 and the dynamicArray to NULL A function to return size A function named addEntry that takes a string as input. The function should create a new dynamic array one element larger than dynamicArray, copy all the elements from dynamicArray into the new array, add the new string onto the end of the new array, increment size, delete the old dynamicArray and then set dynamicArray to the new array A function named deleteEntry which takes a string as input. The function must search dynamicArray for the string. If not found, it returns false. If found, it creates a new dynamic array, one element smaller than dynamicArray. If must copy all elements except the input string into the new array, delete dynamicArray, decrement size and return true. For simplicity, if there are two strings with the same value, delete only the first value A function named getEntry which takes an integer as input and returns the string at that index in dynamicArray. It must return NULL if the index is out of the range of dynamicArray A destructor which frees the memory allocated to the dynamic array Thanks so much