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  1. Sorry, no offence, i think you are confunsing yourself. inside onedrive, i can find a general area, and subdivisions witch has the name of each PC you have connected to onedrive. i am sure you can usually access this areas even with the PC offline. The data in each PC is continually uploaded ( usually it includes the files from the "users" folder), i am sure of it, since half of my onedrive storage is filled with this unaccessible files. I think now i have sumarized better the problem.
  2. Are you sure i can not access it anymore? Also, for some time, the option you are refering to is default on onedrive install, and the harddrive i am trying to access has less than 6 months of installation. obs: 1 - onedrive is still using the space of the unnacessible PC 2 - defective harddrive was taken by Dell (warranty)
  3. I have onedrive installed on my notebook. Last week a system harddrive of the same notebook died (and i replaced it) Now i want to access the onedrive (PC) cloud folder of my old harddrive, to download for example some .pst files But the site says the computer is not on line (i am sure i should be able to access this files without the other computers online, since it is stored in cloud) Can any one help?
  4. There is more about it, about the particularity of warranty in different countries... for example: brand can aprove the sell to a country "Y", but the product is reselled to country "Z" (without taxes) from country "Y". Usually people who by this parts consider themselves too far from the manufacturer to request warranty (some of this brands don`t even have office here, how do you imagine they could provide support/warranty). i am not saying manufacturers can get away with their fault product, in fact, the Braziian law says you should initially contact the store who sold you the product (which is some times useless since they won't offer 1 year warranty and legal counsel usually cost too much)
  5. Can you say for sure your RMA will be aproved on US or Canada if you install high profile memory and declare it during the warranty process? (if you do not intent to lie to the manufacturer, and the aswer is "yes", i am probably wrong about the global effect of the topic)
  6. price/regulations are a brazilian problem discussed here. the omission/absence by reviewers/reviews of the fact that the use of high frequency memory can be interpreted as overcloacking by the manufacturer causing the loss of warranty, is the title/reason of the topic... i can not direct the topic, i am just participating
  7. it affects... in this cases, the seller offer warranty on his own expenses (deducting from from it`s profit) or in some cases, he takes the cost back to his supplier. I`m very sure it rarelly scales up to brand distributors (at this point i`m speaking from experience). Generally, few people comes back to request warranty for low value hardware ( sd card, lan board, dvd drive etc), so it`s not 100% lost money when there is hardware fault within "flee market warranty terms" (i hope i`m making it clear, portuguese is my first language)
  8. i know... Brazil is included... but it`s hard to make "rules" work in a country where sellers bend the this rules all the time to make hardware popularly affordable. i`m not defending the practice, i`m a client as well.
  9. Chipart has some video where they try to explain the reason why the brands make warranty so hard for the costumers in Brazil, but the things they are saying about reviewers affect costumers globally. probally not so much on USA/Canada where hardware costs proportionaly less in comparison with average income, but it`s still global About the brazilian warranty, the problem is that a high volume os costumer level hardware in Brazil comes from "alternative import process", so the brand can not track/project for long term, how much they need to bonify the stores. I know that globally the total cost should be aways the same (no matter the used process) , but financial cost is very important in Brazil, because of burocracy/taxes and also U$1.00 costs R$4,50~ , On Costumer side, a regular store usually sells hardware with prices 2x or 3x higher if compared to "älternative market" where usually they offer warranty of 2/3 months and "tax discounts" .
  10. Hardware reviews do not fallow warranty specs and mislead to warranty loss (exemplified with i3-7xxx in youtube link). As said by chipart owners/youtubers, many reviewers make builds ( probably using guidelines from manofacturers ( intel/amd)) that put together ram of higher frequency than covered by intel warranty. Also when home users do the same, and ocasionaly have processor fault, they fill the warranty request to intel informing details abouts their builds, and have their warranties automaticaly denied since processor in question should not be used with high profile memories.acording to intel warranty Warranty in Brazil is a serious problem, since manufacturer make more and more complex rules in order to ignore responsabilty over fault hardware, Since last year chipart has been acting as knights to force motherboards, memory, gpu manufacturers to take a moral/honest way on their warranty offers ( untill Chipart last campaign, many brands used to sell 3/2 year warranty on the box covers, but usually ofered only 1 year in Brazil when contacted by users)