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Mr Nobody

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  1. If you are refusing to watch their videos just because you don't like the phrasing of the title or the thumbnail, then you are hardly a "loyal sub".
  2. Most of these things you would only be able to deduct the percentage of time you are actually earning virtual money (which will significantly reduce the amount you would be able to claim), and it has the added benefit of red flagging you for an audit. But with the changes in tax law in 2018, the likelihood is that for the average gamer, none of these things are deductible, as they will not exceed the standard deduction currently in place.
  3. Give the Supreme Court time.... $400 is the minimum threshold. Considering Rockstar sells an $8,000,000 GTA Shark Card for $99 and my earnings in game are about $10,000,000 per week if I'm really grinding, I think that threshold is easily reached.
  4. I don't see how grinding out tasks in a game to earn $ is "gambling". Can you elaborate?
  5. What costs of earning virtual currency do you think you're going to be able to deduct?
  6. If I had to wager a guess, it's because they consider in-game currency and items to be commodities that can be purchased with real dollars, and therefore are subject to taxation. I agree that it's stupid, but then again I think all taxation is stupid.
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/13/tech/fortnite-taxes/index.html Apparently I need to hire an accountant to keep track of my gaming. I wonder if it is a matter of time before the IRS tries taxing the virtual currency that you earn in game, as opposed to just the virtual currency you buy in game. When that happens, I have a few questions: 1. Am I considered self-employed when I am earning virtual currency? 2. Do I have to pay sales tax on items I purchase in game? 3. If the virtual currency that I earn is as the result of criminal activities (like in GTA), does this open me up to prosecution for virtual crime?
  8. It was just recently that I had the means to get a proper gaming PC instead of using PC's that were inadequate. I was ready to purchase a prebuilt from Cypberpower or IBuyPower, and I was watching LTT and Jayz and Kyle's videos, and they kept listing advantages to building it yourself, so I decided to take the leap and do it. I am glad I did.
  9. Probably $200-$250 tops (in immaculate condition)
  10. Ummmm....... I tried looking up the specs on pcpartpicker, but half of them are unavailable anymore.
  11. For the past few months I've been having a problem with Youtube links. If I click a Youtube link from a site other than Youtube, the page won't load. I then refresh the page, and it still won't load. Usually on the third try refreshing it then it suddenly loads. This happened using both Firefox and Chrome, on 2 different computers. I tried clearing cache and cookies and it did nothing. It is exclusive to Youtube links. Any idea why?