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Everything posted by AL1V3den

  1. well where can I start cuz its pretty urgent?
  2. So my camera I use for YT is the GX85 and for a while it worked flawlessly, but then I did something by accident (forgot what I did :p) and now its just a black screen in obs, skype, zoom, and discord. Can anyone help? Btw i dont use the camlink I use this: https://www.walmart.com/ip/DIGITNOW-HDMI-Video-Capture-Audio-Capture-Cards-USB-Full-HD-1080p-USB-2-0-Record-via-DSLR-Camcorder-Action-Cam-Live-Streaming-Broadcasting/153312920?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=12109&&adid=22222222227355853292&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=448936313986&wl4=pla-925404084402&wl5=9052878&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=117437278&wl11=online&wl12=153312920&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqT5BRAPEiwAJlBuBaO3EyiP4AGn1j2iQhLWEXmriJgLlnC5XiMLSsRPOmqoORjuxjPtBhoCNPEQAvD_BwE
  3. No, I have other apps, and I barely load anything. And there was no update that I was aware of. The problems started yesterday when I needed to use it to edit a vid, and it was launching, but never fully launched. And when it did "launch" it will close itself when I enter the editor.
  4. Well i deleted the duplicate but it's still turtle slow.
  5. So I had to re-install davinci cuz it was closing on its own even when i restarted it and my pc, and now its slow in: launching launching projects loading previews (takes a good 3-5 min) timeline laggy as hell (Plays preview for 3 seconds and doesnt play anymore) and slow renders. Back then I never experienced these issues before but now its really impeding my workflow. Does anyone have a solution that can fix this issue?
  6. So I'm planning on getting the Omd em10 mkii for photography and videos, but can I use it as a 1080p 60fps webcam?
  7. How can i do that if im stuck in login screen? i cant leave safe mode without logging in.
  8. My new password works for microsoft and outlook when i logged in using my phone and another pc, but it wont work for my pc.
  9. So this is how it started: I wanted to fix something in my pc. I saw a guide saying I have to boot in via safe mode. "Ok" i said. Now I'm in the login of the safe mode screen and its asking for a password. Now being the smart little snowflake I am, I never set a password for my pc, only a pin. And even when i reseted my microsoft password three times, it still won't work. I try to access: startup repair -Nope Command prompt -Nope RESETING WINDOWS 10 -Nope Does anyone have any solutions cuz I'm afraid I'm gonna break my monitor with my keyboard soon.
  10. AL1V3den

    Eartips for zs5

    I have a pair of zs5's from kz. These are amazing and I heard aftermarket eartips make it even better. What eartips do you guys recommend?
  11. So i recently got a c270 logitech webcam that shoots 720p 30fps. Does anyone know what I can do to make the webcam look better? I already have a lamp acting as a light so I'm ok in that section. Mostly asking best way to make it look color accurate. Thx.
  12. I'm torn between an Ikea Markus and a Hbada chair. Link:https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjJnYTBto3oAhUDPQwKHcuQABcYABAEGgJxYg&ae=1&sig=AOD64_2wblu-SC6XF1jwsGp7VnGf_jacjg&ctype=70&q=&ved=2ahUKEwim7fnAto3oAhUlTd8KHT7HCnwQwg96BAgLECA&adurl=https://www.amazon.com/Hbada-Ergonomic-Office-Chair-Adjustable/dp/B07P7MQ9D5/ref%3Dasc_df_B07P7MQ9D5/%3Ftag%3Dhyprod-20%26linkCode%3Ddf0%26hvadid%3D312157797588%26hvpos%3D%26hvnetw%3Dg%26hvrand%3D13881134591503279117%26hvpone%3D%26hvptwo%3D%26hvqmt%3D%26hvdev%3Dm%26hvdvcmdl%3D%26hvlocint%3D%26hvlocphy%3D9011954%26hvtargid%3Daud-799146894166:pla-654164889984%26psc%3D1 Now I know some of you guys might not know what the Hbada is, but for those who do, should i get a Markus or the Hbada?
  13. Thank you for fan placement also Im not gonna plug the computer in a display or connect to a power source cuz i dont have a gpu yet. I probably shouldve worded it better. So can i still put everything together, even tho i wont connect it to any power source and monitor?
  14. So i'm gonna build my very first pc hopefully in mid or late 2020 (I have all the parts just need the GPU) and I went with the inwin 301 as my case of choice (I know it's not really the best starter case but it looks sexy nonetheless) and I have a 5 fan pack. My motherboard is mitx so I think I have enough room for 2 fans in the bottom without having a problem. So what should be my fan configuration for this specific case? P.S can I build my pc without the gpu? My cpu doesn't have integrated graphics but I'm very eager to build it, even if it's gonna still be off.