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Everything posted by amintha1992

  1. Just received my brand new off amazon DJI OM 4 SE gimbal and i have not been able to power it on without it being plugged in. when plugged in and turned on, its operation as normal. shows charging in the app, at some point it showed fully charged, but when unplugged it turned off immediately. Iv tried all sorts of chargers (5W, 25W, 45W) to get it to charge. only difference is that higher power charger would indicate it has started to charge without having to be turned on(while plugged in). 5W charger would not even initiate the charging. I can also hear a coil whine when its "Charging". had the unit plugged in charging for hours, yet no difference. it's almost like there is no battery inside. from what i could find the Firmware is the latest and couldn't really find a way to update it anyway. also no physical damage thanks.
  2. seems like the best move. thanks for the info
  3. what are your thoughts on this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002053781103.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6e7341e8ysL6Gd&algo_pvid=19107bf8-bbca-49c0-96ea-ab5c97117d63&algo_expid=19107bf8-bbca-49c0-96ea-ab5c97117d63-4&btsid=0b0a556f16163897761436849e6200&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
  4. im planing on treating my phone a little bit better than this. iv had my Note 9 for this long with out a scratch on the screen. but thanks for the heads up
  5. Iv been looking at the ROG phone 5 (Base Model) to upgrade from my Note 9. Except I haven't been able to find anywhere to buy or pre order it with confidence. Local to Canada would be ideal, but I'm not opposed to importing it either. I found these sites but I have never seen them before. although I haven't had to look for a phone online in a while. if some of you can point me in the right direction, much apricate it. https://bludiode.com/en/phones-and-smartphones/asus-rog-phone-5-12gb128gb-black-15545/ https://www.ultraonlineeu.com/en_EU/asus-rog-phone-5-5g-8gb-128gb-dual-sim-cn-ver-flashed-rom-phantom-black-1.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3duCBhCAARIsAJeFyPUIXe6Gk-7NMSPrzXwGX-XDM4rN--nOtcEdAG6iUDrbYvWT0w0F2h4aAtzpEALw_wcB found on Ali Express too but I don't have much experience with buying from this site either, don't know what to look out for. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002293036375.html?src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=708-803-3821&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=11470932693&albag=107345273210&trgt=297309937645&crea=en1005002293036375&netw=u&device=c&albpg=297309937645&albpd=en1005002293036375&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3duCBhCAARIsAJeFyPUirj6_8mWvGziOC49viby8L6BDM7g3j-8NAE7HGtkJ2IOSGiAMdrcaAh9oEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  6. it seems to be back to normal now. I didn't make any changes. fixed it self, my favorite kind of fix,
  7. yes , I can change it manually. although the past couple of videos seems to default to the highest available. Hopefully the problem is gone.
  8. it was odd that its happening now. and not when it was first starting.
  9. I guess ill deal with it for a bit and see if it gets better.
  10. anyone else having issues with YouTube defaulting to low quality on desktop? Iv checked my internet connection and it is normal. usually can handle multiple 4K streams. restarted the computer and the usual stuff. no change. any ideas?
  11. the image is stored as a BLOB on the DB. if only i can get that BLOB from the DB out as a binaryStream then it can be converted in to a byte[] and displayed on the jsf page. where im stuck is getting that binarystream from the DB for the image.
  12. anyway, got to go to bed now. have to go to work in the morning. please leave anything you can to help me out. thank you so much.
  13. yes i tried that, and all its showing is the same part that the print line showed, no picture. i also did some changes to the getImageById in the service class. here is the code public byte[] getImageById(int categoryID) { Category category = entityManager.find(Category.class, categoryID); byte[] img = category.getPicture(); System.out.println(img); return img; } it seems to work just fine and now the only problem is how to get the full byte[ ] and showing it as an image thanks for help
  14. not an error, but all im getting from that query is this,(i got it from a prinnt line) [B@c8a7334] or a slightly different one for all the other records in the table
  15. i did some more testing and have narrowed down the problem, the ImageBean and the getImageById is only reached sometimes, when the page is loaded, so that is a problem. and i dont know how to get an array of Bytes out of a data base in java.
  16. sorry my friend, this is for a school project and all i know is that information that i have already given. database was given to us all set up to use, i know its running wildfly server, but not sure whats the database is.
  17. I'm trying to display an image that's stored in the database as byte[ ]. I need to retrieve and display it on a java faces page. here is what I have so far. all its showing in the column in just blank. Table column from the XHTML page <b:dataTableColumn> <f:facet name="header"> Image </f:facet> <o:graphicImage value="#{imageBean.getBytes(category.categoryID)}" /> </b:dataTableColumn> controller to get populate the column @Named @ApplicationScoped public class imageBean { @Inject private CategoryService service; public byte[] getBytes(int categoryID) { return service.getImageById(categoryID); } } and the Service Class @Stateful public class CategoryService { ........ ..... .... public byte[] getImageById(int categoryID) { //BufferedImage img = null; String queryString = "SELECT c FROM Category WHERE c.categoryID =" + categoryID; return (byte[]) entityManager.createQuery(queryString).getSingleResult(); <<<<<<<<<< this is where im having problem.... i think } } how do i correctly get the Byte[ ] out of the database?
  18. @nicklmg quick question, Do I reply to the email i got with the instructions, or is there a different place to submit the application? thanks.
  19. well im using a HD7970, a now upgrade will go a long way with playing the latest titles.