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  1. The fire in this thread has been quenched. It's not even on topic now. /Thread
  2. Last post for the night and likely the thread Linus, if not already abundantly clear. I can't stay mad at you, your videos are too awesome. Love you man.
  3. I am an odd ball. I have a passion for politics lol. Also @ rhetoric guy. I wasn't intentionally hiding in words. That's how I talk. I have no formal education in that area. (Truth be told o have zero formal education... >…<) I will work on it. I wasn't aware of the problem.
  4. Just an FYI. I am sixteen years old, and i love debating. Adrenaline rush.A lot of respect for you for tgat post. I retract all emotionally charged insults i thre your way. I appreciate any and all criticism with respect to rhetoric. I understood all of what you saod, but not deeply. I will do some research. Iron sharpens iron. Gosbless dude. I respectfully dosagree, but anyonr who is willing to fully and pragmatically express their views is awesome in my books. (Not that they are important lr anything) Plus you gave me constructive criticism. Thakks for the time of day dude. Anyways im done with the thread, i expressed my view. Excuse spelling erorrs, typing from android. Edit: just so we are clear. The bit about bring a hypocrite. Nothing to do with Linus' use of ad block. More to do with the notion that he (potentially) believes we as fans are obligated to contribute via watching his ads. Also, I am not anti new frontiers in the internet world. My stability point was on response to clammerings about him being dependent on ad revenue from YouTube... I still think that's foolish. Have another primary income stream. Those were clarifications. No new jnfo was added. Gkdbless again. :bounce:
  5. Just an FYI. I am sixteen years old, and i love debating. Adrenaline rush. A lot of respect for you for tgat post. I retract all emotionally charged insults i thre your way. I appreciate any and all criticism with respect to rhetoric. I understood all of what you saod, but not deeply. I will do some research. Iron sharpens iron. Gosbless dude. I respectfully dosagree, but anyonr who is willing to fully and pragmatically express their views is awesome in my books. (Not that they are important lr anything) Plus you gave me constructive criticism. Thakks for the time of day dude. Anyways im done with the thread, i expressed my view. Excuse spelling erorrs, typing from android.
  6. Thanks for the info, Also, pardon the redundancy, just so I know you got it. I misread your response, read like a statement not a question. We're cool. (If your still mad at me, while disappointing, that's fine. Just so I can sleep at night... OCD...)
  7. I second that. Also, your build is almost identical to mine spec wise. Great minds think a like... Or equally lacking in intelligence people, as I always say. LOL
  8. Pardon, I misread the cadence with which that was supposed to be read. I read it like a statement. I am only human, =) Yeah, I would think so. But once again, piracy - illegal, ad free youtube - not illegal. (...and its the content provider / content streaming medium's job to cut down on said abuse. (If you even call this abuse.) Not the consumer. Encrypted DVD's certainly didn't eliminate all acts of piracy. But I'll tell you this much, being a coder, even I have never been able to rip DVD's i've purchased. Too difficult, or I am too ignorant. One or the either, (Or both), I haven't ever copied a DVD.)
  9. Where in my arguments did I say anything about video games? You are combining my arguments with another user. Do you need to read my response a third time?
  10. You've read what I've said. I feel honored, I will never wash this keyboard... lol
  11. ^ Its not even that. Its even less deviant than that, and what you described isn't even deviant. See my response.
  12. That is not at all like saying that. The comparison I was drawing had nothing to do with that. Only that there is an unwanted outcome, and the producer figured out a way to cut down on it. Encryption of DVD's. My statements never praised piracy. PIRACY IS ILLEGAL, IT IS STEALING. So too must youtube enact policy that counter acts programs that circumnavigate advertising. WATCHING AD FREE YOUTUBE IS NOT ILLEGAL. (Nor is it violating any moral code...) #Notobligated
  13. I don't have to make that commitment. YouTube has not fixed the loophole that is adblock plus and similar programs. I can watch youtube with those ad-ons without violating any laws or personal moral values. I am not obligated to watch their advertisements. Until then, I will continue to watch youtube videos unmolested by the scourge that is their advertising.