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  1. Well there always processes that take up like 0.1-1%, but then the game tends to take up like 70-98% of the CPU processes from what I last remembered. I'll check again but I'm busy this week
  2. Secondary storage devices are non volatile memory so I refered to my HDD as secondary as that is non volatile, whereas primary is volatile and is memory such as RAM. But yes I agree that I need more RAM especially for games such as Rust or just for using Google Chrome. I just am a bit confused because the RAM stick said 2666MHz, is that something I should be worried about (should I get a higjer frequency or lower frequency?)
  3. Well when in games it tends to remain about 100% CPU usage and 100% disk usage. However sometimes while I'm using Google Chrome it says 100% disk usage. I know that I definitely need to upgrade to SSD but this never happened before which I find really odd
  4. Hey so I got my pc about 1-2 years ago, and whenever I would play something such as GTA V or Rust it would load quickly and just fine. In the last few months, whenever I do try load into these games my pc takes FAAAR longer to load in, but also, my PC sounds like a jet engine ? . I don't know if there's a simple fix that I can do, or I just need to upgrade my PC or get a new one. My PC: G3-710 ACER PREDATOR 1070 CPU: i5 7400 Ram: 8gb Secondary storage: 2TB HDD Thank you
  5. On the UK website it says, ' Part not available The part you selected is not currently available in this store.'
  6. How do i find out if its unregistered because it doesnt say anything on the store page
  7. Hey sorry for the super late reply, would you think that this is suitable? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ballistix-BLS8G4D26BFSCK-PC4-21300-Single-288-Pin/dp/B01N4NVG9M/ref=asc_df_B01N4NVG9M/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=310818960639&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6525792962913992312&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045960&hvtargid=pla-392918410989&psc=1&th=1&psc=1
  8. Okay sounds good, thank you for your help!!!
  9. Ive used like 830gb out of the 2TB. Tbh idk why so much space is being taken, as all i have on my pc is a few games and some photos & videos
  10. Its pretty expensive tbh. Rust is 20gb apparently, so I dont think that 500gb is needed. But how much space would the boot drive take??
  11. I dont have too much, maybe about £30-£40. How would i be able to load the boot drive and Rust on the SSD??
  12. Yeah no i dont have an ssd in my pc. I dont mind getting a 256gb ssd, but is it even worth it as it is a bit too expensive, and instead should i get 128gb ssd as i am mainly going to use this to run only Rust. Also, would i even be able to just use my ssd to run only rust, or is that not possible??
  13. Im not sure, I will check tomorrow as i cant check it now. Also sorry if this sounds dumb, but what is a ssd for boot??? Thanks again