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    I am everywhere, and nowhere
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  1. I love the hardcore power efficiency smack down going on between NVIDIA and AMD, but bullshit. This thing is not going to be as powerful as the PS4. Set aside the circle jerk for now, and think about that. It might be the first APU to break 1TFlops, but it isn't going to be a freaking 265 on the same die as a CPU.
  2. This is retarded. It almost insults actual legal rights.
  3. Most games were about 720p, therefore HD gen
  4. They just said its not a GPU thing. Graphics and frame rate are separate here.
  5. Unity seems like it coula been great if they didn't add the microtransactions, made it run a little better by dropping some of the unnecessary effects, dropped maybe a thousandd NPC's on the screen at a time, didn't use the companion app for stuff, made it less reliant on the co-op, and maybe just worked from the bottom up instead of making the most demanding game ever and then deciding on how to gimp it.
  6. If people's reasons for hating this are their reasons for liking black flag, I can tell I'm going to enjoy Unity. Fresh Start and New spin and all that bs doesn't matter to me.
  7. See, he's been nothing but condescending, and I tried to level with him. Now, if shrugs me off as a kid, when he hasn't even made a point, I'm gonna get a little frustrated. How he even looks like he's in the right is beyond me.
  8. No, the problem is that you have a superiority complex and can't handle being wrong. Seriously, everything you say about stocks makes you sound like 'baby's first bitcoin' or I have a share in google. Hell I doubt you've done either Mr. stocks are my livelihood. If this was an opinion based thing, I would have dropped it.
  9. The market is dominated by stags that buy low and sell high and that's just a fact. But that's not even the point of what I'm saying. Explain why you think a company's stock matters to how the company performs. The stocks might be a distorted echo of performance, but that's it. I say it's irrelevant what they think.
  10. Except that's not even close to the best way to look at things. A company's 'standing' with the people is pretty meaningless to the actual company's performance. Investors are idiots that dick around and make rash decisions. Like what happened with 9/11. Using stock data could maybe matter in the most perfect scenario a little, but you seem to think it's a clearer picture, which it absolutely isn't.
  11. Stocks are just investors' confidence. It doesn't say anything about Revenue and doesn't really affect Sony unless they play with their own stocks.
  12. They're not talking about changing architecture, and I'm sure if they did, Microsoft could make it Backwards Compatible. The 360 never moved to DDR3 because it couldn't be clocked low enough, DDR4 can come in 2133
  13. Going from DDR3 to DDR4 isn't going to make it faster, that's not the point. The point is low energy. You can't make a console faster because then old consoles couldn't run the games.