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  1. In February im getting a settlement from a car crash in, and was thinking about building a high end PC (My first). While parting out I saw the quadro and its benchmark in games. Nothing about VRAM. Should of just googled it lol
  2. Thanks for clearing up my confusion. People can be pretty rough online when you don't know things?
  3. I was not aware it supports ECC. doesn't that have to do with the motherboard?(I could be wrong)
  4. THEY HAVE WHAT NOW!? 48! I did not know that. I guess it's just ultra future proof
  5. Who in the world needs a Quadro rtx 8000? It's not even that much better than a 2080ti. Please tell me why someone would drop 5.5k on a slightly better GPU instead of 1500 (Worst case) on a GPU that is practically the same thing? Edit: So apparently it has 48Gigs of VRAM. It is geared towards people who use 3d modeling and that jazz.
  6. Thanks for pointing out what others have said. Did I mention I am 100% alliterate
  7. I'm just noticing now that there were a lot of good entries that did not include their current specs. Would they be disqualified for not including even basic specs IE "Intel core Pentium, GB ram" is that basic description enough to qualify for including your specs in the submission
  8. *evil laughter even though there is less than a one percent chance to win, but you're 13 and pretty proud of the video you made and are considering to do a shameless plug in this same post*
  9. I have nothing better to do, so consider a WIP actually now that ive checked the challenge page and saw how many submissions there is, I have change my mind. Defiantly not doing all that jazz