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  1. Well I'm not talking about dedicated GPU like PhysX Ageia back then, but more like using an RTX 3xxx or whatever for it/ Like they did in this old video: Just imagine with RTX what we could acheive.
  2. To take this simply (and it's not, I know I've developed a shit game in C lmao), GPU calculate the image, but nothing forbids you to use another card to do the math, take the result and display it with the other card.
  3. True! But like PhysX needed to be calculated before. Back then, PhysX like in Batman took a lot of performance like RTX today, but we were able to minimize that using a dedicated GPU for it. I mean, we can have a GPU to use only the RT Cores to calculate and the other card who do the rest of the job in parallel.
  4. Hello guys, how are you guys doing ? I was wondering, back then we were able to use a GPU for gaming, either AMD or NVIDIA, and with this card we would be able to use a NVIDIA GPU just to calculate "PhysX" and get better performance. So my question is: Why can't we do the same with RTX ? I could be so great and would open so many doors in the RTX world. Maybe Anthony have something for that ?
  5. Hello, I don't know if this is possible. But like the old years when it was possible to use a nvidia card just for "PhysX", I was wondering if it's possible to run a Nvidia card just for RTX! Thanks!