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Everything posted by Trilex

  1. Yes you can. You have to solder the hot swap sockets to the PCB. So unless you are going to change switches regularly theres not point. Also another point of failure if you don't do it correct.
  2. For starters start by cleaning your pc out, and placing it on a a better surface if possible. Second, try have an equal pressure, same fans blowing in and out. Also you gpu is not bottleneck, a GPU bottle neck would be a i7 8700k with a gt1030. You usage is normal when playing games.
  3. As far as my experience goes with apks. They work or they don't.
  4. Apps that are not install with the app store and probs not optimized to be used with a remote. Try using a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
  5. Does your pc even have a wifi card? What motherboard are you using?
  6. I have a dell r710, however the internal slots are only x8, and no internal power source, blah blah blah. There are some ways around it but they are sketchy af. Could I use of these, mini-pcie to x16 adapters with and external power supply? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001015180933.html?src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=708-803-3821&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=11491017839&albag=113655928713&trgt=743612850714&crea=en4001015180933&netw=u&device=c&albpg=743612850714&albpd=en4001015180933&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhP2BBhDdARIsAJEzXlEUFQd-EGZG4BzB9Iwgu03Lm2_QCC_kZtYTdWE6747vcb7G4VL7EMkaAtz2EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. I'm only look to back up my server rack, just enough to shutdown. I'll check it out, thanks the the help!
  8. Take a look at this, https://github.com/Legion2/CorsairLightingProtocol allows you to use any ARGB or RGB fans with corsair software, however it is DIY and can be done very cheap. Great help on the discord https://discord.gg/RUUDdtPB.
  9. Some one is selling a Eaton 5130 in fb for 80AUD$. Is it worth it, replacement battery cost nearly 300$. Can you just wire a battery to the connector? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQIkmCAdqYg
  10. To begin, don't know if this is the write place to write. Anyway.... I want to move my PC into a rack, to clean up my room. I was looking at different ways to connect my pc from rack to my room. I initially thought about thunderbolt 3, but the 10m run would cost almost $500+ plus thunderbolt card and dock. Then I realized I can run HDMI over IP, what would be latency be? All I need is two HDMI, mic, sound, USB 2 ports. Would something like this work? Any help appreciated https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32997561470.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2f9510b5oLLY2G&algo_pvid=ee7fe863-28de-4304-a239-ba89acc16073&algo_expid=ee7fe863-28de-4304-a239-ba89acc16073-1&btsid=0b0a557016126959082574097ec6df&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
  11. ill have a look at this. Thanks!
  12. Yea Ik, that but gotta explain to ma cousins parents lol.
  13. Like I mentioned to to other person. This is a good build but you have to buy the parts from half a dozen stores and shipping and payments. Its a hassle. The max stores to buy from would be 2. That's why I was stuck.
  14. I don't understand what you are trying to say. Can you explain please?
  15. Yes, unless temps are extremely high. Like above 90c
  16. This is good, but to build it would require half a dozen payments to different companies and accounts and shipping. It needs to be done with 1 company. Whether it be umart pccasegear etc. At most 2.
  17. No, unless you temps are extremely high and you are thermotrotteroing
  18. Try disconnect all others disks physically apart from the c drive, and see if it improves.
  19. Run crystal disk mark on all of you drives and send the results here. The os drive might be failing or something.
  20. What OS, are you running? Have you trying re-installing drivers? Re-install windows? What troubleshooting steps have you taken or tried ?
  21. Budget (including currency): 1500 AUD Country: Australia Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Light gaming school work Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): My cousin wants to build a pc, I have gathered suitable parts for a $1500 Ryzen build. Only thing is I need to find a good gpu, for the 600$ left. The only 30 series cards available are expensive and over $1000. Even finding 20 series (2060, 2070) is still expensive, and since I am amd no iigpu, so I cant by the gpu later. I was looking a the intel i5 10400 and it only cost 250$ with igpu, is intel worth it?
  22. Yea didn't see, the rack I bought is 19" wide thanks for the info.