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About nicro

  • Birthday Jul 27, 1995

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    Junior Member
  1. Here is a free site, no need for account or anything else, with try outs on the page http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/default.asp Also the http://api.jquery.com/ is a pretty good scource with nice examples.
  2. As many of the other one says, I would recomend C++ for the task of game programing, since many of the tools and librarys are written for C++ and C++ is compiled and Java being interpreted. compiled programs, almost always run faster then interpreted programs, and in games, speed is very importent.
  3. Well to choose your first programing language is no easy task, because you would always think, is this the right language to learn, or maybe you thinks it's too hard and stops programing. Which one you should learn as your first, should depend on your interests. If you are most interested in Web development and design, I would probably recommend the 3 web standards (HTML, CSS and Java Script) as a nice start, or if you are more into games, I would recommend learning C++ and use the DirectX from Microsoft if you are running windows (Open GL for, windows, osx and Linux). If you want to make client applications, I would recommend C# or Java, both of them, being very similar to each other. One advantage of learning C#, Java or C++ over learning Visual Basic, is that they are very similar to each other and many programming languages have similar syntax to these languages. This is just my thoughts, so now it's up to you to choose.
  4. The program i am using the most, would be the program I call GhostWriter. It's a auto typer, with partly or minimal support for macros. It's ideal to use when i have to log in to internet at school all the time, and firefox and all other browser refuses to remeber password and username. It's written in C# and currently only supports Windows.
  5. I started programing with the web standards (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) and continued after that with C# and the .NET framework. Currently i am only programing client applications for Microsoft Windows, but planning on expanding to Mac OSX and linux distributions through the MONO framework. Havent stoped with web programing and I have expanded to PHP, and planning og ASP and ASP.NET as well. I also have some experience in Game Programming with DirectX and C++. I am from Norway so my formulation is most likly not the best but, i hope it's understandable. Also my favorit IDE is Microsoft Visual Studio, and NetBeans