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Nano Adam

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Everything posted by Nano Adam

  1. Look at the Megabit (mb) when comparing internet speeds.
  2. Yea! Definately checkout the Caleb Curry C++ tutorial. And see where your strengths are. If you are confused, then try JavaScript Game Dev all that!
  3. I would suggest looking up Wifi Basics tutorials and all to get informed about all the hardware and all. Also what it does and all.
  4. You then need a wifi extender or repeater. You might want to take a crash course into networking basics. Or this video:
  5. You could try Power Over Ethernet. Because you don't need a router, you just need connection to your computer. Or you could get a wifi repeater.
  6. Once you get the switch there, get all the connections coming in, and plug them into switch, and then the switch to the router. Afterwards, plug in your pc to the wall, and you should have internet!
  7. True. C# has the advantage of it being tied with Windows, so creating a GUI wont be extremely hard. And as you said Unity, would be great! All this depends on what type of learner the OP is.
  8. I mean it depends. You would need a box that is on the wall, and that would have where all the ethernet connections come from. You would need a switch there.
  9. But that is 4 extra lines of code you have to wait to learn. The `class` and all. For many tutorials you will be left hanging knowing what they mean. C++ has only 2. But still great suggestion for him.
  10. Yep. In languages like Python and JavaScript, you can get going with `print("") or `console.log()``. There is really not much confusion at first. It is almost complete scratch! JS can be started without install anything! C++ has many different compilers to deal from and all.
  11. Your best bet would be to type it into Google and see what comes up. Google has a Shopping Tab. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1344&bih=694&tbm=shop&sxsrf=ALeKk03YM77arrLHpfzTcghVqij36KRGmQ%3A1591904078085&ei=TofiXsvYBLKxggfWu724Dw&q=4k+hdr+hdmi+2.1+tv+&oq=4k+hdr+hdmi+2.1+tv+&gs_l=psy-ab-sh.3..0i8i30k1.7966.7966.0.8143.
  12. Definitely! And confusion starts when you are told to create the main function and that is where you write your code. It usually takes about 5-10 tutorials to reach functions and what it actually means.
  13. I personally learned c++ from this tutorial (10 Hours Long)
  14. What you could do is learn programming principles with JavaScript and HTML first, then at the side learn C++. Like this: - Build a game in JavaScript - Then learn as you go while building it in C++. - Then refactor your code for C++ as you learn more new things. A video like this for C++ game dev could help you: BTW: He has an entire C++ beginning series.
  15. Also, someone i know built a Crossy Road type game in JavaScript and HTML. Also, one more thing, if you do C++, I guarantee you will get bored very quickly and won't have a good time once you get bored.
  16. You are right. C family languages require you to do alot of terminal based stuff before you can even think of GUI. He would be doing alot of `cout << "Hello World" << std::endl``. Before he can enjoy any sort of real fun. JavaScript has great ties with HTML and the DOM which allow you to step on to GUI very quickly.
  17. JavaScript is one of the easiest ways of building games in my opinion.
  18. To develop games, you can do that with JavaScript! lol. But if you know HTML and CSS, then you can develop even better web-based games.
  19. C++ is not what you want to start with. Trust me. Maybe start with HTML > CSS > Then JavaScript. That way you can get practice just the environment of how it feels to code. A good site/YouTube Channel would be: FreeCodeCamp. These videos are a great resource. You could go in order and be good! In the middle of those, check out the various project Brad has available!
  20. Unless you are planning on WiFi, then you might want a better router like: https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-AC1200-Gigabit-Smart-Router/dp/B07N1L5HX1/ref=dp_ob_title_ce
  21. Could you visit speedtest.net? And let me know of results. The speed you are saying is no way you have it. lol You should be fine with the ISP modem/router combo they gave you. Just plug in an ethernet cable and go!
  22. Simple. You need any type of router that really just works I would say. Would you mind providing the following questions: 1. Did your ISP provide a modem or the one you have that I define? Especially one that is a router combo also. (Your modem provides wifi and has ethernet ports on the back) 2. What is your internet speed you get through your ISP? 3. What is your budget? *These questions will help the community make a great decision for you!
  23. Could you describe the main uses for the build?
  24. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7452747#:~:text=Answer%3A A%3A,etc) with a little patience.
  25. Most likely you should be very fine as your mobile hotspot connection is very similar to the hard wire connection you get to your home. (Except bandwidth and speed). So your current setup is totally fine!