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Ajin The Cliff Gamer

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Everything posted by Ajin The Cliff Gamer

  1. Surface Go will be the only device you need to carry on the go. It has an USB C port and can con we the to external HDD/SDD/ Flash drive. It also has a port for a micro SD card. It can be used to browse full windows software and based on my experience it is powerful enough to do daily work. I run Spotify, couple of tabs on Google Chrome, while I actively take notes on OneNote. It is the correct size to be carried around all day and is the size of a notebook so you can comfortably take notes all day. Since it only has a 10 inch screen the Microsoft Office mobile site is completely free to use. You can also top up the charge on it using the same power brick you use for your phone . A great device which has a solid build quality.
  2. Surface Go will be the only device you need to carry on the go. It has an USB C port and can con we the to external HDD/SDD/ Flash drive. It also has a port for a micro SD card. It can be used to browse full windows software and based on my experience it is powerful enough to do daily work. I run Spotify, couple of tabs on Google Chrome, while I actively take notes on OneNote. It is the correct size to be carried around all day and is the size of a notebook so you can comfortably take notes all day