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Everything posted by greenhorn

  1. I know the story around that particular key, but this well-known key one is not among the ones I know by heart
  2. I know 3 license keys by heart, saved me a lot of time back in the day since I was doing frequent OS reinstalls.
  3. greenhorn


    Ok, so how does time pass in the vicinity of the bed's event horizon?
  4. greenhorn

    May I add Mayonnaise to that list ?

    Just out of curiosity, why isn't the ketchup on the bottom on the list, covering a blank part of the paper?
  5. I'm not an expert on this, I have used such a device a few times though. I've mostly heard it called Bialetti (which is one of the most famous brands that makes these). As far as I know, the procedure is as follows: unscrew, put water at the bottom so that the water level is just below the small hole (which is probably a valve to prevent excess pressure) put the coffee into the appropriate container and assemble everything put it on the stove wait until the upper compartment contains enough brewed coffee and until there is not too much steam coming out of the duct in the middle of the uppper compartment Don't set your stove too high, the water just has to boil and turn into steam. When the brewing process is finished, remember to disassemble the device and to clean it (not immediately after brewing since it will still be quite hot, but within a reasonable time frame). I noticed that many of these devices are made out of aluminum, which I'm not a fan of. I prefer stainless steel ones, those are more hygienic.
  6. There are some portafilter machines by Graef (german company) that have adapters for capsules for all of the larger vendors, but in my opinion it is not economically viable to buy those for that purpose.
  7. greenhorn

    Delete the Comment Section when ?

    Maybe they will ask users to press dislike to give feedback on the removal of the dislike button. Oh, wait...
  8. greenhorn

    only in history class quote out of context: [qu…

    Oh, that's unfortunated that you don't like Swiss cheese. My history teacher said the Swiss make holes in cheese and mountains. The cheese holes are filled with air, the mountain holes are filled with gold and money.
  9. greenhorn

    i dissected a sheep brain today it was fun 70%…

    If I remember correctly, the eyes we had to dissect in class were hard to cut because they were still partially frozen. I wonder if the school had a separate freezer for those things.
  10. What exactly kills/injures/hurts when it comes to electricity deserves a longer explanation, I would say some of electroboom's videos are a good start.
  11. greenhorn

    only in history class quote out of context: [qu…

    No, that's not a problem. You just need money and shouldn't say the t-word (tax) too often. /s
  12. It always depends where these voltages are being applied, what the resistance of the circuit is and how much power the source can provide, just to name a few parameters. If you apply 1V to two points on the exterior of the human body, you shouldn't be able to do much damage because the resistance of those paths will not allow any significant current to flow. That would change of course if you could apply that 1V to let's say a neuron for example. The way 1V could hurt is if you short that 1V source with a very low resistance object (piece of wire), which can then generate a lot of heat provided the source can deliver enough power. You could then get hurt by that heat in case you come into contact with it, but I'm not sure if that is the kind of danger you were refering to.
  13. greenhorn

    Do you even Geography bro ?

    Well, that reminds me of the fact that for example Germany and Austria have many places with names that are clearly NSFW (in English), they are just lucky those places are not historically relevant and therefore not well known (at least outside those countries).
  14. greenhorn

    i dissected a sheep brain today it was fun 70%…

    Well, that one heart probably wasn't the only one that dropped at that moment.
  15. greenhorn

    i dissected a sheep brain today it was fun 70%…

    At school, I dissected a chicken wing, a cow's eye and a cow's heart. I remember the teacher making many jokes with the word eye (in French since I attended a French school) while we were dissecting the eye. Before we dissected the cow's heart, we connected a bunch of tubes to it and ran water through it to understand how the blood circulation works. During this time, the class was divided into two groups: one was in the biology lab dissecting the hearts and the other was in the physics lab. A student from the first group threw the heart up at the end of the first session, it got stuck on the ceiling without the teacher noticing. During the second session with the second group, that heart suddenly fell down from the ceiling, it was quite a scene
  16. I got a nice used coffee machine: It is a Graef ES 85. At first I thought it was defective, but then I realised it is working perfectly
  17. There are even stranger rules with verbs using the reflective pronoun "se" and "être". There, the "accord" can depend on whether the action implied by the verb is reciprocal or not etc.
  18. J'espère que cette discussion en français va continuer maintenant qu'elle a été redémarrée. Je n'ai pas souvent l'occasion de parler en français, donc j'essaye d'en profiter
  19. greenhorn

    Well happy Black Friday everyone ! May the deal…

    I hope you too have a good time and get some nice deals if you are shopping. I got quite a few items, mostly from Amazon, but I also bought some used stuff on a local online marketplace where I got nice deals.
  20. greenhorn

    Welp, decided to blow my head and made a build…

    Looks like a nice build, but what exactly do you build with the wooden planks? In any case, if you plan on buying planks for 100€, using a hand saw to cut them sounds like a lot of work. Maybe it is worth to borrow a jig saw or a miter saw, it should make your life much easier.
  21. I also noticed that he said he wanted to read Harry Potter in French. I just hope he gets over how some characters' names have been translated. As an example, take Severus Snape who in the French version is apparently called "Severus Rogue" which sounds like the name of someones who teaches other things in dungeons than potions.
  22. I am wondering whether that cable testing device that was used to test all those HDMI cables is equipped with a compatible interface to test this setup consisting of multiple cables and hubs. It would be interesting to see those measurement values evolve when adding hubs and cables.
  23. greenhorn

    Metric FTW:

    From what I heard, the scientific community in the US mostly uses the metric system. The imperial units only persist in everyday use and in some special fields, e.g. in aviation. Speeds are still given in knots (nautical miles per second), altituted in feet, pressures in inHg (inches of mercury) in the US while in hPa in Europe. If I recall correctly, confusions around which units/systems were used and resulting faulty conversions caused several serious incidents, among them the loss of a 110+ million $ spacecraft and an incident called "Gimli glider" where a plane requested X kilos of fuel but got X pounds of fuel before departure and ran out of fuel mid-flight.
  24. I like having multiple light sources in a room. I have bought a set of wireless switches that can be controlled with one remote so I can switch 4 lights (or in my case 4 groups of lights) on and off without having to get up and switch everything on and off individually. It is very simple, cheap and I really enjoy it. The next thing also has to do with lights: If you are into DIY, you could think about making "fake windows" to illuminate poorly lit parts of your home. There are many tutorials online, I particularly like the one made by DIY Perks. Other ideas would be to get some nice plants (if you like those), think about using mirrors to make the space feel bigger and to steer natural light. Much really depends on your tastes, whether some things about your home are currently bothering you, on your budget (time/money) and last but not least on whether you own your home or you are just renting it.