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  1. Me too! You’re right on about the internet. — it’s amazing!
  2. This is wonderful! I love your response! My favorite.
  3. I love your answers! They're hilarious and insightful! --But try considering a more specific element to the question: Why does it seem like everyone follows the same trends in aesthetic design, with the same sort of enthusiasm as you find in the automotive or fashion industry? It is a very flattering form of positive imitation, which I find myself following as well: I am in no way complaining, but why? At bottom, my question is what force drives this passion and creates this herd like behavior towards the prevailing customs and conventions across an industry as open, free, and limitless as the Personal Computer? Where does your ultimate motivation come from? Why does our collective volition to create, move in such predictable patterns? Why do we still endear such a satisfying sense of personal design to a pastime that continues to answer its banality by decisively separating their enthusiasts by the money they’ll spend at Amazon, rather than the genuine assortment of styles and variegated veins of genius they possess? If you ask enough of these questions, the answer seems to inevitably be that the tech industry needs a strong artistic voice to lift the veils and cloaks from this laxed precession of unquestioned conformity, and courageously steer its evolution toward more creative pastors.
  4. Why are you a computer enthusiast? What fuels and fascinates your interest for the latest and highest-end hardware? Beyond the performance benefits, and the new applications they extend, what is it about the advancement of consumer technologies that seduces our interest, captures our imagination, fills us with awe, constantly captivates, and perseverates in our minds? I have been a PC Hardware enthusiast for as long as I can remember, and I love it all! Over the years I have followed the headlines, news, trends, and reviews: as I have continued to purchase, enjoy, and share my experiences. – I absolutely love the enthusiast’s community on the Web, Reddit, and YouTube, and really appreciate all the outstanding content from: Linus Tech Tips, Paul’s Hardware, Kyle at BitWit, Steve at Gamer’s Nexus, Wendell at Level1Tech Tips, JayzTwoCents, the Hardware Canucks, and of course the Kit Gurus! This morning, as I was diligently working on rearranging yet another system in the basement; having another wonderful weekend morning, when my sweet grandmother, politely posed this question to me. She asked me countless follow-up questions with such a naïve, yet sincere curiosity, I became increasingly perplexed that I really couldn’t explain what exactly I loved about RGB lights, my countless computers, routers, keyboards, and gadgets; or why I spend the endless hours actively enjoying the hobby, while learning a little more about the science behind it. I’m going to post this question around, hoping to see if I can find some interesting, sincere, and comedic responses to this honest question from all my favorite channels and their followers. Thank you! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthusiast_computing