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Everything posted by Allmykidsareblack

  1. Son why put your computer though all that stress? Let some other chump run folding at home.
  2. If he was sick he would have said excuse me fella's and addressed the situation. I believe an angel waved her wand on him last night.
  3. What's everyone think of how Linus sounds now in 2020? I say good for him, its about time.
  4. They do this at launch to avoid the flood of negative reviews until they start patching the game. Once they think they've patched it enough they release it to steam.
  5. My local dump has a electronics recycling center were you can drop off TV's and old computers for free.
  6. You do not have to pay tax on your own property moving to another country I would take each part out wrap it in bubble wrap and place inside the case with peanuts, then place into a wood crate. If you do not use a wood crate the shipping company will stack packages on-top of yours.
  7. Ever since I've read the news I've been in a state of shock. 61 cents.
  8. I tried Linux for gaming about 3 weeks ago, let me share you my experience. Installing linux mint onto my old netbook was great for it. It's usable again. Installing linux mint onto my desktop, installing steam and setting everything up was a breeze. Playing games I noticed a decrease in fps. Day 2 my game crashed. Rebooting into linux not possible anymore. Partition is corrupt. Never again linux.
  9. Allmykidsareblack


    My wife has a few sisters in Michigan/south western ontario
  10. I will deny climate change. It is just made up to limit our economy or China would not allowed to be to pollute.
  11. Technology that uses two of the current technologies doubled up is not a new technology there for is the reason for the X and I fully support it.
  12. Air con does does not operate like this at all. It uses the high evaporation temperatures and condensing freon to slowly remove the heat & humidity from your house.
  13. It might not be rocket science but I'm sure it's computer science some where ????
  14. I've had the great fortune of having a blast on the forums so far. The family and are I often have talks about the crazy antics that happen from either Linus or the forums. Great experience all round.
  15. I have always liked Anker products, their cables, chargers, and they even have great Bluetooth devices
  16. You should always be as kind as you can, especially when calling other countries. You don't know what they go though. Imagine you are so rude to China. He reports that to his superior next thing you know the whole support team is being rude back to he next guy from Ohio. Is it so hard to be respectful to someone? My bother used to work in a call center and he was always stressed out, always having a bad day because of the customers. Anyways I thought I'd just pass that on. I hope you think about what I said.
  17. I'm glad we could come to an agreement tonight Derkoli
  18. Everything you are saying is material objects. I can be very cruel to my wife (I would never) and then go out and buy her flowers and a diamond ring, so to you I would be even?
  19. Don't you think its a little inappropriate to call them that? They were just trying to help in my opinion. You most likey had to call China, and please keep in mind how working in China would be.
  20. Just because he spends money on his employees you have no idea how it feels to be treated the way he treats his employees. I also wonder if that is even appropriate for a employer to do. It could also mean hush money for sweeping his office antics under the rug.