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  1. I think what Im trying to get at is when I type hello. i want it to print 72
  2. Im so close however now when I input "hello" I get H72E69L76L76O79 10
  3. after the while part of the loop I put printf("%d", N) because I want it to print the integer value of a single character in the given input
  4. Okay so now if I type hello for example it says h72e69l76l76o79 10
  5. for(N=0; N !='\0'; N++) { if(N>='a' && N<='z') { N = N - 32; } } is this used
  6. int main() { char *prompt = "Please enter a character: "; printf("%s", prompt); int N; do { N=getchar(); putchar (N); } while (N != '\0'); return 0; } this is what I have so far, this prints whatever I input. where do i go from here
  7. so far I have char *prompt = "Please enter a character: "; printf("%s", prompt);
  8. I need help getting started for this function getCharInSet. Im stuck and I dont even know how to start. the function prompts the user with a string pointed to by prompt and then reads a single character from the keyboard. it then sees if the character is lower case and if it is it uppercases it. it then checks if that character is in the N approved characters given in the N-length character array appointed by L. if the character is not allowed it will print a list of allowed characters. Thanks!