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Posts posted by sniffytheman

  1. On 2/17/2019 at 4:11 AM, Rosss said:

    Now, I do not know much about Star Citizen. Maybe you all can tell me if it's living up to the hype.


    It's just that I recently binge watched all of the WAN show archive, and they mentioned Star Citizen quite a lot, back from like 2012 when it was still fresh (and they talked about how they can't wait for it to be released as if it was on the horizon).


    Seeing as it's been in development for so long, and got funded quite a lot-- what's going on?


    Like, is the stuff they made/developed years ago even usable now?


    Is it a no-man's sky case, or did they maybe scrap a bunch of work they weren't happy with?


    Has respect for Chris Roberts dwindled? In the archive they were so fond of him lol


    Thanks for the info-- I'm too lazy to do a historical study on this, so I figured maybe some peeps who were along for the ride can explain it!

    it has a very big scope but 

    developments are being made and the money is being used to develop the game so it is not a scam
