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  1. @EigenvektorI fixed all of what you have said, but I am still getting the same errors
  2. I put it in <> form. Also here is the full error message.
  3. I just did what you said but that does not fix the problem
  4. My code does not work and I have no idea where the missing comma is. Please help! (Sorry for it being sloppy. Im just learning coding) My Code is Below: const Discord = require('discord.js'); const bot = new Discord.Client(); //Deleted const so no one can see it const token = '' ; const PREFIX = '!'; const ytdl = require("ytdl-core"); var version = '0.7'; var servers = {}; bot.on('ready',() =>{ console.log('This bot is online!'); bot.user.setActivity ('Minecraft') }) bot.on('message', msg=>{ let args = msg.content.substring(PREFIX.length).split(" "); switch(args[0]){ case 'ping': msg.channel.sendMessage('pong!'); break; case 'ip': msg.channel.sendMessage('The server Ip is Nuclearwars.serv.gs'); break; case 'info': if(args[1] === 'version'){ msg.channel.sendMessage('Version ' + version); }else{ msg.channel.sendMessage('Invalid Args') } break; case 'commands': msg.channel.sendMessage('The following commands are: info version, ip, and ping. There will be more commands coming soon!'); break; case 'help': msg.channel.sendMessage('The following commands are: info version, ip, and ping. There will be more commands coming soon!'); break; case 'play': function play(connection, message){ var server = servers[message.guild.id]; server.dispatcher = connection.playStream(ytdl(server.queue[0], {filter: "audioonly"})); server.queue.shift(); server.dispatcher.on("end", funtion(), if(server.queue[0]){ play(connection, message); }else{ connection.disconnect(); } }; if(!args[1]){ MessageChannel.channel.send("you need to provide a link!") return; } if(!Message.member.voiceChannel){ message.channel.send("You must be in a channel to play the bot!") } if(!servers[message.guild.id]) servers[message.guild.id] = { queue: [] } var server = servers[message.guild.id]; server.queue.push(args[1]); if(!message.quild.voiceConnetion) message.member.voiceChannel.join().then(funchtion(connection),{ play(connection,message); }) break; } }); bot.login(token); Here are the pictures of it to.
  5. My pc fans keep turning on and off every 5 or so seconds. Should I be worried about this? 20200204_150431.mp4
  6. CPU: core i5 9600k 3.7gh GPU: gtx 1070 storage: 2 tb RAM: 8gb corsair power supply: 650 watts (i think)