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Everything posted by Adrian14

  1. Please help me im just asking for any name like sharkoon or anything else please
  2. No one knows any brand of chairs on the price range of 100 please, just the names nothing else if its comfortable or else
  3. Again please i want only some names of the best chairs or this price Dont want to know about these things just tell me some good chairs and i will choose one for this price please
  4. https://www.ibs.it/sharkoon-skiller-sgs1-sedia-da-elettronica-sharkoon/e/4044951021024?lgw_code=1122-W4044951021024&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2efrBRD3ARIsAEnt0egJk4lfEb5iqEKF9cA6YIOjR4CBh9kx7yug0i7v70bJ-OTiBK5dVlMaAjx9EALw_wcB What do you think about this
  5. Any other brand than homeall doesnt exist in italy
  6. Just say to me some chairs name for my budget and i will choose one, any name only for this im asking
  7. Well in stores here are over prices 50+ euros more than amazon or online
  8. And i Dont have any particular request just want to be comfortable for the budget i have
  9. I just saw this one https://www.ibs.it/sharkoon-skiller-sgs1-pc-gaming-elettronica-sharkoon/e/4044951021000?lgw_code=1122-W4044951021000&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2efrBRD3ARIsAEnt0eiBsaeD7AEptceLicpFMhXuqP0o7qWAg3irmaEP9Xg8zBNGfru48JoaAiE5EALw_wcB What do you think
  10. Just need a good one for my budget cause at the moment im using a kitchen chair and its very pain full
  11. Yea its very helpfull and maybe you can suggest me some name chairs and i can search for them cause i Dont know which to search
  12. Hello everyone, i would like to buy a gaming chair since im starting to streaming 8 hours a day and this normal chair i have is hurting me, i have a really low budget under 100 euros, please help me l. PS i live in italy so i need an italian webstore like amazon.it thank you
  13. Okay Now windows is doing the reinstallation
  14. Nevermind forget what i said it was booting ok but error cane out windows error lol
  15. Never mind after exoloring the bios i found the option and Now windows its booting finally. Thank you for your time
  16. I cant do that and Dont know how to do it
  17. Yea because they show up on the bios
  18. Yea im doing a clean install from usb, and when i try to set priority it doesnt show any boot device available
  19. Ok thank you for safety im gonna unplug the HDD xd
  20. And should i unplug the HDD for security or theres no problem