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A Lini

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Everything posted by A Lini

  1. I would be using one of the PCIE NVME drive holders from asus
  2. Thanks probably gonna go with raid 10 but I was wondering if there are any difficulties with nvme raid or if it just like regular raid
  3. raid 1 raid 10 if I'm feeling crazy I would be using a PCIE card from ASUS for raid 10
  4. Performance is the main priority but scilence is perfered if possible
  5. I have decided to have an external NAS for the majority of my storage but I will have on board SSDs mostly NVME but some SATA and possibly 1 or 2 harddrives So I was wondering weither or not i should set up raid for my NVME storage
  6. I was wondering what fans I should use for watercooling I know EK makes fans but I have also seen noctua fans or corsair ML fans? so which should I choose for maximum performance
  7. you say 5k but you also say 5000-6000 so is a $6000 build ok?
  8. Thank you for the advice from what you said I think I want to build a NAS as while I could afford a raid card I'm running out of PCIE slots on my Motherboard
  9. Thank you for the help would you reccomend I get a dedicated NAS or just have a RAID array in my pc if I had a RAID array I would be using it for some 1080p - 1440p videos I edit and photos that could range from 720p to 4k along with some programs I don't use very often.
  10. I have heard about raid but have never understood it as in the benifits and how to do it also which version is best for what so can anyone tell me advantages/disadvantages, how to set it up, and which version is best for a deticated NAS
  11. did you quote the wrong thing because I agree it is impossible to cool a CPU to the exact same temperature as the liquid being used to cool it, I said I agreed a cold lake could do it because I thought she was talking about using a cold lake to cool a CPU to the same temerature as the room you were in.
  12. not quite and the liquid was what was at the temperture that was indercernable from ambient to his thermometers
  13. almost ambient it maybe less than a degree, but it is still a differnce, but I does semi answer the question as it is using effernt hardware thank you
  14. can you give some context I don't want to have to watch a whole video to maybe get the point you were going for
  15. oh I was putting what he said into my orginal situation of getting it to the temperature of the room, not the siuation he used of cooling or the CPU to the temperature of the lquid
  16. but LN2 gets below ambeint when I say ambeint I mean the tempereture of the room not of the liquid