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  1. It's not just one or two times "out of thousands" that they've made errors. It's been increasing in larger and larger amounts as time goes on, and some of the errors weren't noticed by anybody on staff (as there's been no asterisk note correction) until Steve found it while going through videos gathering data for his argument. If it wasn't a problem that needed addressing, they wouldn't have put a stop to video releases and done the whole "here's what we're going to do to fix the problem" video that released earlier. GN was right, and there's nothing scapegoat-ish about it. You interpreting his video as "well LMG is the ONLY source of information!" is just...so mind bogglingly wrong that I wonder how you came to that conclusion in the first place.
  2. Oh for the love of all that is holy, don't go bringing AI into this to try to help get an "unbiased" point of view on anything.
  3. That has nothing at all to do with 'cancel culture', stop using buzzwords you don't know the proper meaning to just because you think it's gonna be some sort of zinger or "gotcha"...
  4. I mean, saying "we have already agreed to compensate Billet Labs for the cost of their prototype" when Billet didn't actually give them a figure for compensation, just more of a "dude that thing cost us like 9500 to make wtf?" line and Linus interpreting that as an actual "we need 9500 bucks to make this better" figure, which doesn't take into account the loss of time making a new prototype and other potential damages, comes off as lying to the average person. Since it wasn't a formal "hey, we need X dollars" request for compensation. The fact that you're trying to nitpick this hard over something that most non-fanboys can see is pretty telling. "We already agreed to compensate them for their prototype, why are you guys continuing to harp on and on and on about it?"
  5. It's not brigading if people are coming here over a recent thing that happened, despite lurking around in the past (like myself, I registered about 4 years ago I think?). Brigading would be a concentrated effort of "HEY GO GET THEM!" by somebody elsewhere in an attempt to flood the forum with negative messages. From what I've seen, this is entirely from people deciding on their own that it's too much and that there needs to be changes, despite what the ardent defenders are trying to do.
  6. lol, whatever you say blind fanboy. The entirety of Steve's videos are completely invalidated because of your valuable contribution! Good work! /s
  7. In the follow-up video, GN also points out that it was also the 10th. They showed the correct date. They showed the entire correct timeline. This is the court of public opinion, not an actual court. You nitpicking over one day's difference and COMPLETELY IGNORING THE REST OF WHAT'S GOING ON isn't going to actually change anything, other than making you seem like a pedant.
  8. You're in the minority, then. A lot of people make purchasing decisions based off of what LTT says about things.
  9. Everything that Steve mentioned in his video is out there in the public for everybody to see. All of the glaring issues with testing, the asterisk note "corrections", the rushed schedules for meeting arbitrary deadlines that they self-impose, them auctioning off somebody else's property. There's literally nothing that can be done or said to be like "hey, no, we didn't actually do all that stuff over the last 10+ years, and the community of tech nerds definitely doesn't make fun of LMG as a whole because of those issues that they keep repeating"? LMG, and unfortunately Linus by extension because he was the CEO throughout all of that stuff, are guilty of what's shown in the video. Mistakes can happen, and the Billet thing has (that we know of?) only happened once in the 10+ years of operation there. That's a definite unfortunate situation and hopefully it never happens again... but the rest of it? They've had YEARS to correct it and they haven't. That's NOT Steve "wanting evidence to the contrary", that's literally looking at all of the video evidence and seeing that it stands on its own.
  10. Go watch GN's new video, it's only about 10 minutes long for the relevant part. He specifically mentions why he didn't contact Linus personally first, and I think it's a completely valid reason.
  11. If you go and watch GN's video about Linus's reply, then you'll learn about why GN didn't reach out to Linus first. Like him or not, he's actually practicing "real journalism" here by not contacting Linus for a comment or to let Linus prepare a spin statement in advance. Stop white knighting, lmao. That's not the difference between slander and a "newspiece."
  12. He specifically mentions in the follow-up video as to why he didn't contact Linus beforehand. Good job formulating an opinion without getting all of the relevant info, and not caring about updating your stance once more information comes to light. That just makes you a useless troll who's arguing for the sake of arguing. Go watch the video. Sack up, and watch someone responding to Linus's attempts at gaslighting everybody. You'll be okay. You're not personally involved. Linus doesn't know who you are or that you even exist. Your blind fanboyism of him isn't going to be noticed by anybody at LMG. Go watch the most up to date info, it's only about 10 minutes long, and then you can go back to your original point because people like you never change your tune once you've made your mind up regardless of the actual facts.
  13. Tell us you didn't watch this new video without telling us that you didn't watch the video.
  14. I'm not seeking drama. I just don't pop around these forums very often. Unlike you, who apparently has to live here and defend Linus against perfectly valid criticisms because you think he's incapable of doing it himself. I do disagree about GN going back on their own standards. With that, we're done here \o so have a good one!
  15. The way Linus's comment was written along with the implication, is that they offered to compensate Billet for the "mistake" before GN had anything to say about it. That's not what happened. It took Steve's video before Linus offered the reimbursement. Without that video, can you guarantee that Linus wouldn't have ignored Billet's emails? It had already been 4 days at that point...how many days does it take to say "Yes, sorry, we screwed up and I'm personally apologizing and am going to be giving you a reimbursement for the cost of time, R&D, and materials cost for what we stole and here's the check right now"?