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That's a mighty fine profile pic you have there


Shame you stole it from me and didn't even bother trying to hide the watermark

  1. imreloadin


    They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all...

  2. NoxiousOdor


    It is really unbelievable how often that PFP is stolen.

  3. imreloadin


    How about we all use it in honor of the highly esteemed flibberdipper!


    P.S. Leave the watermark in, I heard he LOVES that!

  4. TVwazhere


    I took this gif of my RGB fan in my Corsair 380T. Seeing as it fits your name, you can use it. I wont be a butt and claim only I'm allowed to use it cause I made it :P 

    Sequence 01_1.gif

  5. flibberdipper


    @WhisperingKnickers it really is, honestly. I guess some people are just too tempted by them swaggy noodle arms.
