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@Den-Fi@sowon, a story.


So I just got the Gateron switch tester that I ordered from amazon.  It has two purple switches that feel really good.  The darker one feels exactly like that "Zealio" that you guys keep raving about, bump right at the top, nice and smooth.  I think to myself "Geez, the fanboyism runs hard with these guys.  They spend like 5x as much for zealios than these gateron purples that feel exactly how they described them."

I then noticed that the bottoms of these switches are clear, versus the black bottoms on all the others. I think "Huh, that's odd"  So I look at the amazon listing:

NPKC 9 key Gateron Green Clear White Gray Clear Zealio Purple Switches Shaft Testing Tool Switch Tester



I am now considering spending a dollar a switch, vs 20 cents.  

Screw you guys.


  1. jiyeon


    Gateron Purples don't exist as far as I'm aware.


    Welcome to the elite yet expensive side of tactile switches.

  2. FezBoy


    @sowon I realize that now.  I thought that the zealios were some gateron switch that I had never heard of.

  3. jiyeon


    Technically they are since Zeal switches are manufactured by Gateron, it's only the stem that's Zeal's design.


    Now you see why we're so willing to spend $1 per switch for these guys. ;)
