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Everything posted by Umberto

  1. Wow, I did not know that windows show you ads. Gotta pay the bills somehow I guess.
  2. Now you are just being stupid. Xcode does indeed just run on MacOS. At the same time, it is also completely free to download and use. You don't have to pay for it, which makes it free. See how that works? I don't care about your hardware mate, but I wouldn't suggest that you should use xcode if you're running Linux would I? Lets go over this again. Yes, this is true. No, this is not true. You don't have to pay a fee to use xcode. Xcode is not a programming language, it's an IDE, and it's free. Swift it probably the language your are referring to. You don't have to pay a fee to use swift either, and you can use and compile swift on Linux. Compiler and related tools for Ubuntu are available at https://swift.org/download/ and you can most likely get it running on Debian without too much of a headache. First, lets be real here, OP is never going to put anything on the app store in the near future hence making the pricing of Apples dev program a moot point. Anyway, it's $99 per year to enroll in the dev program which gives you the ability to put your apps on the app store, among other things (access to betas, tech support, app analytics, framework for beta-testing etc). Hardly something a beginner would need or use, and not something that is needed if you just want to make an app. For comparison, you have to pay a one-time fee of $25 in order to put your app on the Google play store. 30% on every purchase. Exactly the same as the Google play store in fact. Okay buddy.
  3. Where did I say that you can run xcode on linux?
  4. xcode is free and it doesn't cost anything to learn and use swift (it's open source). Apples docs and frameworks are also free to access and use. The paid dev program Apple offers gives you to access to OS betas, support, publishing to the app store and analytics tools among other things. But I doubt a paid dev program is relevant for OP regardless. Having said that, I think python is the best language for beginners to learn.
  5. I doubt that, besides, the chromium engine is a fork of webkit so they have a fair share of shared components.
  6. Just get iCloud, $3/month for 200gb and you get the benefit of having everything safely backed up in the cloud. Depending on the lifetime of the sd-card and accounting for that cloud storage gets cheaper with time, it's only marginally cheaper with a card if at all. Comparing 128 gb of sd-card storage with internal storage is silly for obvious reasons.
  7. You could look at very old versions of linux and maybe learn something: https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/Historic/old-versions/
  8. Computer science is a very broad field so there is no "industry standard". Some 5 years ago when I was in uni our computer lab was mostly solaris (unix), some linux machines and a few macs. Windows machines were used elsewhere where students used excel or some engineering software (not related to CS) only available on windows. So if there was an industry standard, unix is probably it. As for tools that you will be using, it will mostly be pen and paper, and a text editor. Compilers and interpreters are available on most platforms. I have very limited experience with WSL but it seems to be a nice feature but not a substitute for a unix system. Some things mentioned in this thread seems to be missing the point (1050 ti? thermal performance?). You absolutely do not need a high performing laptop to run vim lol, and a dedicated graphics card is a waste of space. Leave that to the gamers. If you are willing to spend the money, a mac is a great option as its a really nice machine, its unix, and it will probably last for your entire time at university. If you get a pc with linux you have more options to choose from and could potentially save some money. However, in my experience at least, you will have to spend time messing around to get your bluetooth headphones working, printer working (maybe not so much in 2018), or whatever else comes with the linux user experience. I would suggest to get a unix system to get into that workflow and unix way of doing things.
  9. 2006 macbook 2009 macbook unibody 2013 macbook pro 2017 macbook pro iPhone 3g iPhone 4s iPhone 7 2021 macbook pro next?
  10. I upgrade every 3-4 years but my parents are still using my 2009 macbook and 2013 macbook pro daily. The battery life is not what it used to be though.
  11. https://dolphin-emu.org/docs/faq/
  12. Kind of depends on what your purpose of running the reverse proxy is.
  13. I have a 2017 MBP that I use for web development but you would probably be fine with an air as well.
  14. I have never seen it but apparently it happens when you are running low on space.
  15. I'm not familiar with running macOS on unsupported hardware but but mojave uses APFS.
  16. If you are flexible on the moral aspects of things you could call a few of hotels in your area and tell them that you forgot your charger. They probably have a bunch of them in their lost and found.
  17. I don't have 10+ servers to deal with but I put everything (ip, user, port, keys etc) in my ssh config and then just go ssh host1 And you can use an alias to list all hosts from your config if you forget what you named them alias sshhosts="sed -rn ‘s/^\s*Host\s+(.*)\s*/\1/ip’ ~/.ssh/config" But I don't know if this works on windows though.
  18. Why wouldn't you just use good old ssh? And configure your shell if you want syntax highlighting?
  19. Don't put your friends macbook in the dishwasher. Use this command: hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":[{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":[KEY A],"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":[KEY B]},{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":[KEY B],"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":[KEY A]}]}' Substitute [KEY A] and [KEY B] with the keys you want to swap. The keys are entered as a hex value, see this link: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2450/_index.html So if you want to swap the Enter-key with, lets say, Right-Shift-key, you run: hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":[{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x700000028,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x7000000E5},{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x7000000E5,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x700000028}]}' To reset you just run the command again with the same key as src and dst. Do people use MacUpdate in 2018? ?
  20. Im not really sure what you are trying to achieve but I would suggest that you create a linked list class with add, remove and search methods. Something like this: class person: def __init__(self, givenName, familyName): self.givenName = givenName self.familyName = familyName self.next = None class linked_list: def __init(self): self.head = None def add(self, person): if self.head == None: self.head = person person.next = None else: person.next = self.head self.head = person def remove(self, person): ... def search(self, value): ... Then do p1 = person('joseph','stalin') linkedlist = linked_list() linkedlist.add(p1) linkedlist.remove(p1) And so on.
  21. this one is free https://github.com/Chris911/iStats
  22. int arrayName[] = new int[x]; is a syntax used in C and works for whatever historical reason. I would advise to only use int[] arrayName = new int[x]; as it makes more sense from a java perspective.