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I do not support these cyborgs creating vlogs filming every mundane detail of their lives. 

  1. lewdicrous


    "Hello guys!! Today I took a MASSIVE dump! It was terrifying"

  2. Guga


    @lewdicrous or some low spec cyborg making a coffee for 2 minutes. I don't enjoy watching low spec cyborgs small vocabulary describe their immediate surroundings. 

  3. lewdicrous


    They're all trying to achieve the same goal(s); copy the same thing everyone else has been doing in order to make money without any effort and talent. 


    Those who resort to clickbait just so that people would watch the minute things they do are even more annoying.


    They'll only go away when people stop watching them (hopefully soon)

  4. Guga


    I doubt people will halt viewing this content, the "Paul brothers" is prime example. Even with what normally would be career death, no pun intended, recoding a dead body... He still continued to grow exponentially. 

  5. lewdicrous


    Yea, good point. 

    Guess their bubble won't pop as long as they have their hordes of zombies they call "fans"


    A plague that keeps on growing..

  6. Guga


    Their fans mostly consist of children, which is a haunting thought due to the growing mindsets of children. If they accept this way of life, I imagine this cycle will continue. 

  7. lewdicrous


    I don't know if we should wait for natural selection to do its thing or if we should intervene..


    Let's just hope for the better
