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  1. Windows7ge


    Hi, welcome to the forum.

  2. Guga


    Thank you for that. I hope to be of assistance. 

  3. Windows7ge


    Knowledge is everything here. Bring what you have to the table.


    That and anime because we have quite the following as well. They live in the status updates.

  4. iamdarkyoshi


    Welcome to the forums!

  5. Guga


    I've seen much. Fitting place it seems as I enjoy a good anime, not quite to the upper limits of those who push it so far. I know quite a deal I'd say, but I do find it hard to keep up with new chipsets and all that jazz. I find myself to be more of a network/common sense person. I deal quite a bit in audio mostly car audio set ups. 


    I can't be bothered to learn every new process X brand puts out to show up another brand. 

  6. Windows7ge


    You don't have to keep up with every socket & chipset although that topic makes up a good chunk of the troubleshooting & general question threads people post but regardless help people with what you know. Ask questions about what you don't, and just overall have fun.

  7. Skanky Sylveon