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  1. so I followed step by step and I seem to not be able to get it working.... i'm running the same version of ubuntu a unraid VM im not to sure if it is running correctly or not I'm a quick learner when it comes to new things but ive caught a bump in the road and I don't know what to do...… can someone help me find a way to check and see if it is working ? ive seen videos of running this script that shows docker taking the files and sending file vie red and green text, maybe someone could help me out with that …. thanks maybe this was a problem ? sudo docker run \ > --restart unless-stopped -d \ > --name steam-cache \ > -v /home/jack/cache/steam/data:/data/cache \ > -v /home/jack/cache/steam/logs:/data/logs \ > -p \ > steamcache/generic:latest Unable to find image 'steamcache/generic:latest' locally latest: Pulling from steamcache/generic 911c6d0c7995: Pull complete 131e13eca73f: Pull complete 95376bf29516: Pull complete 6717402ec973: Pull complete becc9b76442e: Pull complete d6e5215e88b8: Pull complete Digest: sha256:a06abb08cb1f2e0b58bce36f0ebc0d57b319855ea905e76da500f805b0e80d06 Status: Downloaded newer image for steamcache/generic:latest 01fe988426307f404041733e3767f534d0660eb3116f0df870ec209119d3c4d6 docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint steam-cache (a44a70992d603355866a77174386a32feb8143330dd0dc98215162a1c61177f4): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address. but it looked like all docker images were "running" idk maybe im wrong ... sudo docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 4a83acb0714e steamcache/sniproxy:latest "sniproxy -f" 24 seconds ago Up 21 seconds>443/tcp sniproxy any and all help would be greatly appreciated thanks - Jack