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Everything posted by dgsddfgdfhgs

  1. just oc as much as possible, 2800~2933 good luck any real noticeable perf gain..? not really
  2. putting back the custom built parts back into prebuilt pc, coz mobo died
  3. 1650 s is just like a 1060, you do not want an upgrade that close in perf. how much is the 1660 super or used gtx1070??
  4. DIY test bench draw you parts layout and screw then on a flat surface
  5. read the tutorials , youtube for tips & tricks people often skip that and missed many useful features
  6. when you have always in you question, ans is mostly no tn have better response time & no ips glow
  7. and to isolate the micron memory issue
  8. think twice how much did you spend on cpu & mobo (300+120? or more?) and cost of the all tools on modification
  9. how much fps range? still gpu is dominant factor and the 92mm cooler is too week
  10. just no,lower you clocks or better cooler you risk $400 worth of cpu & mobo for a couple degrees cooler?
  11. good question, theres no easy tutorial on this he just go and shoot any enemy tanks then shout why cant I spot / penetrate others!!! so he invented a strategy to suicide at low tier for credit in game he actually play for at least 3 yrs at least? as for story based games I think any one could finshed in a few weeks and get bored soon
  12. just cause- a single player game but double the creativity & fun with friends
  13. you cant judge but hanging & showing half of your cards is sure luring crime
  14. sorry this is in english, just pronounced in jap eg: ファブリック ケース = fabric case
  15. ok thats yakuza i remember i dug up some cd with gold games, but never seen him playing
  16. these 3d games are too advanced, he watched me play and not interested btw he cant drive, not even the slow tanks
  17. he did played diablo 1 & 2 , red alert 1 & 2 , Chinese Paladin (early ones), some early fps shooting, doom 3d / 1942 etc now he likes WW2 and plays world of tanks/ warships here is the problem , the games have steep learning curve and he wont watch the tons of hidden tutorials, thus sucks at game and scold alot also he afk quite often & his reaction time is quite slow in my standard... any relaxing , non intense games he may not get bored?
  18. late 2020 , so ryzen 5000 will be even later ~ 2022??
  19. and also nvidia made all gpu without "super" obsolete, next one is 2080ti
  20. just did a quick search in taobao- chinazi https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. & https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.