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John Cartoon

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  1. Using liquid metal on i9 MacBook Using external fans sticked to the vent like what had done in 5Ghz on a laptop video to see if we can use more of its power.
  2. I think the best laptops for Ubuntu are manufactured by Dell.
  3. Have you ever thought about Dell XPS 13’ developer’s edition? I think that’s maybe the only laptop that can run Ubuntu without ANY issues. In other laptops you have to expect some issues, I suppose. Hope this helps.
  4. How can we request Linus Tech to provide a video testing both fans and liquid metal thermal compounds?
  5. Hey everyone. I was wondering if we can fix or at least get more advantage of the i9 Macbook pro CPU. Like what Linus Tech Tips did in the following link. I mean using two or three fans with banderoles stciked to the vent where the fans puff the air out of macbook.