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  1. Bingo. There's a reason I don't post on this forum often, and it's fart-sniffing circlejerks and keyboard warrior-ing like this. Guy with 17k posts pulling out 'you just don't get me', Jesus H. Christ, aren't you special. Almost as bad as Mr. 'please consult my previous thesis on this issue, my time is far too precious to consider your arguments'.
  2. The website has never been fine. It wasn't even fine when douchenozzles like Topolsky and Patel worked for Engaget.
  3. Smooth scrolling is generally something which should be killed with fire.
  4. Jesus Christ, this thread is a trainwreck. Put down your neckbeards and think. https://www.thedailybeast.com/computer-program-that-calculates-prison-sentences-iseven-more-racist-than-humans-study-finds This isn't some conspiracy to coerce you in to dating a black person, heaven forbid. It's to stop shit like this from happening, when a computer looks at aggregated human behaviour, connects the wrong dots, and ends up skewing the output and ensuring that you only get matches with your own 'race', regardless of your preferences. Meanwhile, anyone stupid enough to put personal info on to bloody dating websites should probably be sterilized, just to be safe.
  5. The only time publishers should be able to go after hack authors is when they're distributing the publisher's code, which should generally be easy for hackers to avoid. Just ship a patcher, not modified game assets. This is like someone going after the devs of Low Orbit Ion Cannon after a bunch of 'chan' idiots use it to DDoS their website.
  6. It means custom multiplayer servers for a dead console Nintendo refuses to support anymore. https://www.polygon.com/2014/2/26/5452114/nintendo-killing-nintendo-wi-fi-connection-service-for-ds-and-wii-may
  7. Not really sure. Had all my accounts setup in Thunderbird. Every few days, I'd get the security checkup email on another account, so I had to open a browser and log in to each account, as none of this shit is supported in IMAP. By about the third time I had to do this, it wouldn't let me log in. The password was correct, but it kept throwing captchas at me and refusing to let me in. Eventually, it wouldn't even let me attempt to login, and I kept receiving suspicious activity emails in tbird every time I attempted it. Eventually, even tbird had its token revoked and got kicked out of the account. Then the same shit began to happen on a second account. After trying to do recovery a few times, I first stepped away and didn't touch anything for a few days, then didn't touch anything for a couple of weeks. After a couple of weeks, the second account had stopped freaking out and the first just presented me with the opportunity to enter a new password, and immediately let me in. Now I've made sure my accounts are all logged in to both Chrome on Windows, and on my android phone. The stupid thing is dedicated IMAP clients don't show up on the account activity. It either doesn't show up at all, or just shows up as 'Unknown'. And definitely not using 2FA, phone dies and I get locked out of everything, a cure worse than the disease.
  8. During the recent 'security checkup' wave Google did, I got locked out of two of my accounts for weeks, and had to abandon using a dedicated mail client. I've now got Chrome installed, and use it solely for checking my gmail accounts.
  9. Just when you thought capchas couldn't get any worse, now they're going full-facebook and trying to farm your details.
  10. No... I'm actually impressed by how well people can miss a point. Online gaming is a toxic shithole regardless of hackers and script kiddies. It is a toxic shithole in-part because the 'competitive' artifice encourages shitty playstyles and shitty people. It's not an accident that online games are now full of nasty little 4chan memelords fretting of their ranking, KDR, and streaming everything to twitch; milking them is now a huge revenue stream. They've attached a freaking generator to trolls and brats. Not according to these articles. Epic are either doing their job well, or hacking is a widespread problem. Few companies are in a better position to track and patch this stuff. Absolutely not, it's a fucking videogame. Cheaters are shitbirds, and I know we live in an increasingly absurd world, but lets keep a little perspective.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure the goldrush to turn gaming in to hyper-competitive 'esports' had nothing to do with that. Meanwhile, it's the dev's responsibility to secure their damned game. Ban the cheaters, patch the flaws in your game. Unless the cheat authors are distributing Epic code or assets, the copyright angle seems like a stretch, and trying to enforce EULAs is laughable. This reeks of laziness and opportunism.
  12. I think I am entitled to not use it without it making me a social pariah or giving me a reputation as the difficult guy at work. When those options aren't on the table and all you have to offer is platitudes about how the market is going to magically solve the issue at some unspecified point in the future, then I'm entitled to expect that the service I've been strong-armed in to using is run reasonably. Well... you're a piece of garbage, thank you for clearing that up, aaand we're done here.
  13. I can make my job and social life harder, to no effect, because the fad-driven moron market decided upon facebook before I even knew what it was, and facebook is a proprietary platform which doesn't use open protocols or play nice with alternative services. Oh let me guess: if my job uses FB, I can just quit my job. Right? Hyuk hyuk hyuk. Srs Internet discussion. Doesn't matter how essential or ubiquitous something becomes, doesn't matter how little practical choice the average person has, their "right" to run "their business" like jackarses is unassailable.
  14. That's how I usually configure my controls in racing games. Your thumb gets really sore holding down a face button for hours on end, and the same is true of your finger on a trigger. Meanwhile, wireless will never satisfy the neckbeards using GCN controllers for Smash, the dpad and c-stick were pretty poor, and while the analogue shoulder triggers on the GCN were the best shoulder triggers I've ever used... Switch games won't support them. I'm still waiting for someone to release pro joycons, with real sticks, dpads, and better shoulder buttons, never mind radios which can't be blocked by your leg.
  15. See: giving the appearance of offering a solution, without offering a solution. Just create your own sprawl of web services, friends, and family, easy. Internet discourse 101.