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  1. Lost wallet Life was in wallet, except for social insurance # spent an hour calling in to cancel credit cards Why do these automated machines ask for the credit card number, right after they let you chose the stolen/lost option. I say "I don't have it" then get hit with a "that is not a valid response" ?????????? if i lost my card how tf am i supposed to have the number lmao, am i gonna memorize my 8 credit card numbers? it just boggles me and boys, there were cards in that wallet that i haven't used in like over 3 years, so I barely remember what I have to replace other than financials and some ID's
  2. when you go down to read my code, if you're wondering why it's screwed up, its because we took code from a different website the teacher wrote, and are moulding it to make it do what this website is supposed to do. theres a couple more js files that I did not write that make this website run on chrome, as well as a css file which I did not write. So I have to make a little website that looks like this: The website is supposed to take what you enter into that memo box, and then put it into a table with 3 rows. The table will hold this standard: 1 Memo Priority and it will look like this when youve entered a memo and a priority number, and then clicked priority and clicked enter memo and priority. my delete button doesn't work and neither does my table. as well that part where it says memo, is supposed to change when i change the selected field to priority, but it doesn't. my code so far: (html code first) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <!-- cad = euro bitcoin = pound --> <head> <title>Assignment 2</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.mobile-1.3.1.min.css"> <script src="scripts/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"> </script> <script src="scripts/chromeFileProtocolFix.js"></script> <script src="scripts/jquery.mobile-1.3.1.min.js"> </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/assignment2.js'> </script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> </head> <body> <div data-role="page"> <div style="padding: 20px;"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <label id="inputLabel">Memo: </label> <input type="text" id="memPrio" name="memPrio"> </div> <fieldset data-role="controlgroup"> <legend>Choose Memo (to write a memo) and Priority (to assign a priority to the memo).</legend> <input type="radio" name="units" id="Memo" value="Memo"> <label for="Memo">Memo</label> <input type="radio" name="units" id="Priority" value="Priority" checked="checked"> <label for="Priority">Priority</label> </fieldset> <input type="button" onclick="convert()" value="Enter Memo and Priority"> <p id="answer"></p> <div> <legend>Enter the number of the row to delete.</legend> <input type="number" id="rowNum" name="rowNum"> <input type="button" onclick="deleteRow()" value="deleteRow"> </div> <table id="myTable"> <tr> <td>Item</td> <td>Memo</td> <td>Priority</td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> java script code document.getElementById("Memo").onclick = function () { setUnits("Memo"); }; document.getElementById("Priority").onclick = function () { setUnits("Priority"); }; // \-------------------------------------- function myCreateFunction() { var table = document.getElementById("myTable"); var row = table.insertRow(0).onClick(convert()); var cell1 = row.insertCell(0); var cell2 = row.insertCell(1); cell1.innerHTML = "NEW CELL1"; cell2.innerHTML = "NEW CELL2"; } // \-------------------------------------- function validateAmount() { var amountInput = document.getElementById("amount"); if (amountInput.value < 0) { alert('The amount must be non-negative.'); amountInput.value = ""; } } function deleteRow() { document.getElementById("myTable").deleteRow(rowNum); } function setUnits(unit) { var label = document.getElementById("inputLabel"); label.innerHTML = unit; } function convert() { var memPrio = document.getElementById( "Memo"); var amount = document.getElementById( "Priority"); myTable.onclick<tr> <td>0+1</td> <td>Memo</td> <td>Priority</td> </tr> } function convertToPound(amtEuro) { var amtPound = amtEuro * POUND_FACTOR; document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = amtEuro + " EURO $ = " + amtPound.toFixed(2) + " POUND"; } function convertToEuro(amtPound) { var amtEuro = amtPound * getEuroFactor(); document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = amtPound + " POUND = " + amtEuro.toFixed(2) + " EURO $"; } function getEuroFactor() { return 4776.22; } thanks in advance
  3. So I got this acer monitor back in november (it's the xf240h 144hz), and yesterday my sister was playing on it and it just randomly turned off and wouldnt connect when turned back on. I re-inputed cables and everything, turned the monitor and the pc off at the same time for about an hour, and still it would not work. Today when i got home I tried again, and I found that when the monitor turned on it would just freeze at the acer logo on startup. Ontop of that, none of the lights worked, and I have no way of accessing any of the menus or menu options. The only button that works is the button to change the mode (gaming, movie, etc) and it's not even the correct button that does that. I sat down today and turned it on and off like 30 times, and it finally worked, only now I have no access to settings, and none of the buttons work. The monitor is operating, but the light that comes on when the monitor is on does not work, and neither do any of the buttons on the bottom of the monitor. Anyone have any similar issues? Is this something normal or should I just go throw it at best buy and tell them to fix. This is the second time this monitor has failed me in a span of 3 months, and I already had it exchanged back in november when it started randomly turning off and on mid gaming session. Not sure what to do
  4. https://gyazo.com/ae90942165fc7393960cbb8ebbad20ac was reading through that, how common is it to carry a weapon in the states, and how easy is it to actually obtain one? I'm from Canada, and the only time i've dealt with one or seen was was in the military reserves for basic training. I'm not opening this thread to start a gun law debate, just curious about what goes on down there
  5. So I logged on to pay my visa, and there was a deposit of $149 to my account from "Provincial Payment Canada". I work for the military, but their payments usually come in as "Federal Payment Canada", plus I already got paid and haven't signed any claims for travel expenses or anything. So I'm confused... Who's giving me free cash? Already got my tax refund as well so not sure whats going on here
  6. So I'm seeing alot of you just ditching the amd gpu, is freesync worth going amd, or should I just ditch it and go nvidia anyways? otherwise you guys are helping me out alot, thanks!!
  7. Trying to build a pc here soon with amd parts. Heard the ryzen is good for streaming, and my 144hz monitor is freesync, so gpu also needs to be amd. Only issue for me is that it's been like 4 years since I've built my own comp, helped some friends build theirs but I dont know what to get honestly Budget is 2000$ CAD If possible I want it to look like a sexy beast, red and black or red and white or what ever color combinations you guys think look good thanks in advance boys
  8. got baited into buying the 9600k because it was onsale for a bit cheaper than the 8600k, returned and now about to purchase the 8600k. so if all of it is compatible, good shit thanks friend
  9. https://www.asrock.com/MB/Intel/Z370 Pro4/index.asp i5 8600k + https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231890&amp;Description=gskill ripjaws&amp;cm_re=gskill_ripjaws-_-20-231-890-_-Product edit: bought the i5 9600k first, but didnt realize it needs a bios update to work with the mobo, so now were exchanging and the ram the website says 4000mhz plus (or some number in the 4000s), so I might as well check the ram too
  10. So an easier fix will be to just return the 9600k and get an 8600k right? only pc parts I have are the ones in this build guide.
  11. Ok, so how do you do a bios update? And I googled the compatible mobos for 9600k i5 and mine wasn't on there so now idk what to do
  12. How do you even do that? And will that make the i5 9600k and asrock z370 pro4 compatible?
  13. So I did some googling, cpu isn't compatible with mobo....... fat rip thats a big feels bad man