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Steven Smith

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  1. Alright I have the panda and a gtx1050ti and I got a cheap m.2 to pcie x4 adapter for testing and all is good so far. Now to find a donor screen and decide if I want to use the E key or just go with a usb 3.0 ssd. I was thinking about a power supply like this https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjs19D8qubeAhWKisgKHdfBBk4YABAFGgJxdQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESEeD2ASylfr1tEjLs3mAoRLE9&sig=AOD64_3b4PQ1AgztbWXq5kj6abq-hGdrBQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwjV-cj8qubeAhXBct8KHRZ1DcYQ9aACCEs&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjs19D8qubeAhWKisgKHdfBBk4YABAFGgJxdQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESEeD2ASylfr1tEjLs3mAoRLE9&sig=AOD64_3b4PQ1AgztbWXq5kj6abq-hGdrBQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwjV-cj8qubeAhXBct8KHRZ1DcYQ9aACCEs&adurl=https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAEF86JM6460&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-Electronix-_-Power+Supplies-_-9SIAEF86JM6460&gclid=CjwKCAiAodTfBRBEEiwAa1hauqNMqgHknwXg_Wp89bz4gbhSqxi2tnNaoasev0Ez1M99Nz7Yq9vF5BoC1Y8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds and just using one 12v power supply from https://www.amazon.com/d/Small-Device-AC-Air-Conditioner-Adapters-Power-Supply/BINZET-Converter-Adapter-Power-Supply/B00PK0N14M/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1542832715&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=12v+8a+power+supply&psc=1 I don't want to have to run multiple power supplies for the different components or have to tote around a full size atx power supply.
  2. So I've commited myself to build my own tablet or laptop. I've already purchased a LattePanda, despite the slightly high price tag. https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1728.html At first I'm going to be using it as a super portable desktop and just using the hdmi on the TV's in hotels. As time goes on though, first will be a m.2 nvme ssd, then I was thinking of using https://www.amazon.com/linjin-External-Independent-connecter-Graphics/dp/B07HHQGH9R/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1541279054&sr=1-2-fkmr0&keywords=gdc+beast+ngff to add a gtx 1050ti, to the m.2 E key (even though I know its only 2 pcie lanes) and a 10 inch touch ISP display that has compatible eDP 30pin and captive touch. As this is my first time making anything like this I wanted to ask if anyone here can see an issue with how I imagine this working out. I have built every desktop I have ever owned but this is going to take me to the next level. There are some terms I am not quite familiar with. For example, what is the name of the correct voltage regulator to maintain a steady 12v for both the LattePanda and eGPU slot? And now looking at my "back of the napkin" drawing I'm sure the output of the batteries need to be separated from the input of the balance charger.
  3. I was looking at those. Mostly because of the Adobe RGB screens, but the high end don't have that option.
  4. No, I think I'm done with Apple. The only thing I will miss is the mouse.
  5. I wonder if the first one can take a sata drive. $100 for the gpu upgrade for me is worth it, and the mechanical drive in the second one will break on me faster than any ssd will burn out. I don't need it but I can rob the 1tb sandisk ssd out of an old computer.
  6. Not really. I would only use it in the hotel. Would be nice to watch a movie on a plane (about 2h), but I use my phone for that now and can continue to do so.
  7. I will be using this for travel, but I realize the compromise. Thin and light is a plus, but what I really need to focus on is multiple cores, even at the cost of frequency. Ryzen would be nice here but alas. The second is gpu hardware acceleration. The majority of the work load would be Adobe Lightroom, Premiere Pro, Capture one, DaVinci Resolve, and a little After Effects.
  8. I'm going to be in the market the next couple of months for a new laptop from now till the new year. I'm probably going to be aiming at black friday. I have a pretty good idea of what specs I want and, but as I can't build my own I would ask you guys for input. I've been shopping and comparing online for hours. gtx 1060 or better 8-16gb RAM Some i7..... ips display, 1080p is fine but color accuracy is important (photographer) adobe rgb 100% usb 3.0 any ssd for os, size not too important. I edit off usb 3.0 ssd I need to edit 4k vid and 42mp photos and my 2011 mac book pro is unbearable. $2k is my upper limit. Thanks in advance for any sugestions
  9. I'm heavily considering this for a suitable work load that uses massive amounts of ram. To be clear, you just installed Optane as a normal drive and allocated it all to virtual memory in Windows, right?? The video was not to specific on this point