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  1. i did try this out as well but it didn't show anything after i ran the test, ive been waiting for the last few minutes
  2. yeah tried closing tabs, it still says that i get 160 ping in europe(i get 200) and says i get 190 in asia(i get 100)
  3. just tested it out but it shows way more ping than I actually get in the game
  4. can you send me a link to that cuz i am not being able to find it
  5. i am currently playing on the Asian servers(I don't know where they are but I think the moved closer recently as my ping decreased to 100 from 190) and my up and down speed is 20 and 15 respectively with 30 ms ping o the closest server.
  6. I live in India, particularly the westernmost side. What do you think, which servers are closer?
  7. Yes I am and I've done every single thing I could from my end. I think the only thing that can change my ping is either if the FN servers move closer or I get a better connection.
  8. I play a lot of Fortnite, and I get like over a 100 ping all the time on my current connection. But I heard of this thing called killping and I wanna know how does it work so that I could play my game properly.
  9. I live in India(Specifically the westernmost side) and I am getting 300+ ping in solos(Every other game mode as well) and I've set my ping to auto and it sets it to Asia most of the times (The default ping shown next to the server is higher than 200). Today I was playing Playgrounds and my ping got up to 1000 ms for once and then got steady at 700. If there is anything that I can do to fix this, please tell me as I've not been able to play properly for so long and when I see 25-50 ms ping in others' videos, I almost CRY.
  10. I've only one mobile connected to my wif i(except for my pc). Can it cause enough traffic?
  11. are you sure that it depends on download speed? My ping on that site was 30 but in fortnite, it is 300+
  12. at this website it was 12mbps but my isp says it is 20
  13. Then how did it used to be Okay before?
  14. download speed is 20mbps but speedtest is 12mbps
  15. I've been playing this game from around a month now and I did not experience any issues with the ping. A week ago I just experienced a lot of lag in a match and I knew it was a ping problem so I turned on the ping overlay. It was above 300 ms at that time (I don't know how much it used to be before) but I thought that it might be a temporary problem. All this week I've been trying to play at 200-350 ms ping and today, when I did the speedtest, my ping was 30ms only. I live in India and I play on a decent enough gaming pc with an Ethernet connection. I've selected my servers at auto which automatically selects the server with the lowest ping(Usually, it is Asia for me). I've sent a complaint to epic games as well but there is no response as of now. If anybody knows anything about what is causing this issue and how I can fix this, you are most welcome.