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I was in Frankfurt am Main, Germany because of my mother side niece marrage. I've stayed there for 5 days and it was great!

  1. M-ursu


    Sweet! =D

  2. Simmytu


    It definitely was! You should book a trip to Frankfurt too :-P

  3. M-ursu


    Heh, anyways, what else you have been doing lately? =D

  4. Simmytu


    Well I've repaired 4 PC's from neighbors in our street for free. It was simple fixes like cleaning computers up and teaching the owners how to maintain their systems. How about you? How is your Youtube channel growing?

  5. M-ursu


    Cool, i have been just being lazy XD

    Have you seen my new youtube channel, because i had to make a new one?


  6. Simmytu


    Yes I remember that when your previous channel was deleted by Youtube, if I remember it correctly. I've been subscribed to your new one for a while now. I'm still impressed how much that AMD Kabini did overclock :-3

  7. M-ursu


    Oh yes. :)

    I put voltages to 1.5v and got 2.2Ghz, but i did not show that on a video because of that amount of voltage. =D

    Hows your channel? -subbed =D

  8. Simmytu


    I didn't upload any video's for the last 3 years because of copyright strike. I did solve it fortunately. I'm planning uploading unboxings of the parts and build log of me putting my upcoming build together but I don't have any video editing skills nor the required software :-(

  9. M-ursu


    Editing aint that hard when you have some time to fiqure it out, if you need any help, just ask and i will help you :)

  10. Simmytu


    Ahh thanks for your kindness. I will look for tutorials and try myself and if I fail at it (Which most likely would) I will contact you. Again thanks for your offer :-)
