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  1. What bothered me was the lack of instructions, of examples. Most tutorials online are about GTK+ 2 on Windows 32 computers or the new ones are for C# or C++. This is the 3rd day, i am trying to install GTK3+, i would appreciate it, if you could help me.
  2. This is exactly what i mean. I wanted to create a C file to run. But it seems, i can only run C files in Projects. I create an empty C++ project. Test out #include "stdafx.h" int main(){ printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } The code run, the console opens and quickly closes. I then search how to run C codes online and did what they suggested. I created a C++ console application, created a C++ files in the application and run the code above, which was a success. But i want C files, i change the compiler to compile only as C and i renamed the file to "main.c". The code runs, but when i try #include "stdafx.h" int main(){ int x = 10; int *ptr; ptr = &x; printf("%d", *ptr); return 0; } The syntax ("%d") is not recognized and the code doesn't run.
  3. I have been webdesigning for almost 5 years and C programming Arduinos and ESP for almost a year, so i decided to enter the realm of hardcore programming and start with loading a grapghic library GTK+ on my IDE. I use 2 IDE, Dev C++ and Visual Studio 2017. But for some reason, i can't make the library work. There is always some kind of issue somewhere. I would really appreciate if someone can answer me to quesions: 1. Why isn't there a decicated C file/project option in visual studio (when C is one of the most important languages)? 2. Why is the installation of libraries so complicated? Can't there be some kind standard? I mean, can't i just download the library? And install it directly from the IDE itself? 3. If GTK+ one of the major Graphic libraries for C, C++, Python, C# , why is it's webpage so crappy? Why are the tutorials outdated?