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Hello there, beautiful... I should look into a bigger desk, all my peripherals are taking up a considerable amount of space.



  1. myselfolli


    That's one beautiful setup ?

  2. orbitalbuzzsaw


    Damn is that clean. Were it me, I would get a deskpad, but you do you

  3. seon123


    Have you heard about our lord and saviour, the 30%/40%/60%/65% keyboard?

  4. jiyeon


    I would've gotten the white Logitech G305 but the white was £52 while the black was £35 so I didn't want to contribute that much just for a color.

  5. orbitalbuzzsaw


    @seon123 Some of us like

    1) arrow keys

    2) f row

    3) having our keyboards fill our desk

  6. jiyeon


    I wasn't going to pay more for a white color, that's tech racism at its finest. Logitech is lucky I'm not suing them for exploiting my love for the color white.
