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Everything posted by iHyper

  1. I wanna thank you for helping, your build lists seem good, especially the second one. I will see once i get all of the money and see what I can do
  2. So basically we have 2 situations, situation number 1 where i would pay for it myself with little to no help from my parents, and situation 2 where they give like 200 euros and so I can go for the first list, if I cant get help i think ill just go with this list https://azerty.nl/basket/?code=YTo5OntpOjIzMTk4Mjc7aToxO2k6MjYyMDk2MDtpOjE7aToyNDY0MjA3O2k6MTtpOjI2MTYxNzY7aToxO2k6MjUzMDQxMTtpOjE7aToyNTYzNzM0O2k6MTtpOjE1OTA5NTA7aToxO2k6MTYzNjc3ODtpOjE7aToyNjg0Mjk5O2k6MTt9 cause thats gonna take me another 2 months
  3. I thought about 1000 because that would be reasonable for a 15 year old but people kept telling me to get 144hz monitor so I had to put a 2060 there, and I doubt i will be able able to 1227 euros anytime soon, could you help me out
  4. I might not be able to have enough money, do you think I can go used with 1070 ti if needed?
  5. Thanks for replying first of all, I think the 13 bucks is worth the fan so I can maybe squeeze a bit more out of the gpu, I am not sure how good the bitfenix formula and seasonic focus plus PSU's are but I think ill look into it
  6. idk esports and maybe things like anthem or div 2
  7. Which gpu would work for 1080p144hz with lower settings
  8. https://azerty.nl/basket/?code=YToxMDp7aToyMzE5ODI3O2k6MTtpOjI2MjA5NjA7aToxO2k6MjQ2NDIwNztpOjE7aToyNjE2MTc2O2k6MTtpOjI1MzA0MTE7aToxO2k6MjU2MzczNDtpOjE7aToyNjg0MTMxO2k6MTtpOjI3NTY3NTc7aToxO2k6MTU5MDk1MDtpOjE7aToyNjg0Mjk0O2k6MTt9 i wanna try and get 1080144hz but i guess getting 100 would still be fine I cant get any higher than the current 1227