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  1. Plenty of the channels older videos have several million views. Some stats on the channel. I'm not familiar with YouTube analytics, but I'm not seeing anything inconsistent with a channel that had its heyday several years ago with a few big hits but struggles on most videos which don't go viral.
  2. If someone came up to me and asked to buy the plaque "since I built the channel" I would be somewhat suspicious if I wasn't familiar with the channel. Hell, even if you were familiar with NCIX Tech Tips, (as far as I can tell) Linus hasn't been in a video since early 2016. You could have started watching their channel after that point and not known at all. The guy was right to be skeptical. Offering to sell it off was also a good gesture on their part. He didn't need to pay Linus any attention. Linus really shouldn't have let the Channels name through though. The channel may be dead but even for Youtube Comments it's a cesspool.