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This community keeps getting worse and worse.

  1. Syntaxvgm


    IMHO it's just a few people ruining it. I can't believe we were all punished and all of his personal vulgar insults were edited out with no punishment.

  2. Yummychickenblue


    He didn't get a warning poiont?

  3. Syntaxvgm


    he said the only one he got was for calling somone a fatass. He called several people fag and called me a shrimp dick and someone else a cunt I think.

  4. Raudi_


    Thats sad, he was decent to me 1 time but everything else I saw from him was like wow we got a real winner here.

  5. WinNut


    These people are like handbrakes on a train. If you set a few handbrakes it's possible you could wreck the traction motors.

  6. Yummychickenblue


    We have zero tolerance for personal attacks whether public or private on any individual or group ("personal attack" will be determined on a case by case basis by management). You may not use any method of delivery for materials which refer to ethnic/national origin, ideological or religious beliefs,gender, or sexual preference in a derogatory, demeaning, or provocative context.

    Seems like they're pretty tolerant of him.

  7. Yummychickenblue


    That was from the CoC BTW

  8. WinNut


    They're probably giving him a chance to redeem himeself since he's new.

  9. Tea1337


    This is why I lurk most of the time now.
