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  1. You're right - I can't see it. While I understand that decision somehow, it still feels like a pretty rough transition given that features and activity on Floatplane are completely different to what I remember from the forum. I'm thinking about canceling the Floatplane subscription and moving back to the forum because of this.
  2. I noticed that if I subscribe for Floatplane through LTT, I get the extra forum access and can use the LTT access token to log into Floatplane. But it doesn't work the other way around or am I missing something? It should suffice for you to link the Floatplane Identity Provider as an external Identity Provider in LTT, so that you can elaborate the extra claim externally. You could also migrate the Identities from the LTT Identity Provider over to the Floatplane Identity Provider - I don't know your setup well enough to give meaningful advice It's just bugging me that the nice working payment workflow of Floatplane lacks features while the LTT payment workflow feels terrible and buggy Don't make it so hard for me to support you plz
  3. Speaking of Floatplane: Why isn't this video on Floatplane?