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  1. If you wanted to go over budget, the aero 15x stands out with it's less gamery appearance, build quality and specs. Otherwise you could probably find some potential candidates in the new dell g5 and g7 series laptops, with the new i7 H series processors and 1060 max q GPU, they're only like $1100-1200 and would be a massive improvement over what you're currently using. My only concerns with them would be mediocre battery life and screen.Link from Dell's website; I checked Amazon for this laptop but it didn't have the same specs, I think you're getting a good deal directly from their website though. http://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/dell-laptops/new-dell-g5-15-gaming/spd/g-series-15-5587-laptop/fncwfs625sv2/configurations?selectionState=eyJGUHJpY2UiOjExOTkuOTksIk9DIjoiZm5jd2ZzNjI1c3YyIiwiUXR5IjoxLCJNb2RzIjpbeyJJZCI6OCwiT3B0cyI6W3siSWQiOiJHUzFBV1JFIn1dfSx7IklkIjo1NzIsIk9wdHMiOlt7IklkIjoiRkcwMDE3In1dfV19
  2. I would definitely try to repaste or send it back in to Acer to do it for you, I had the Helios 300 and the cooling was good enough on my model that it didn't throttle
  3. Could be a cpu bottleneck, my last laptop with a 950m gpu had a i5 6700hq was able to push 50-60 fps on witcher 3
  4. Is there software that can stress both CPU and GPU at the same time?
  5. Neither personally, I thought about getting one of the ROGs around the same price but they're literally plagued with bad reviews concerning about the bad thermal performance of them I ended up getting an msi GE63VR raider on sale and it's been performing great so far and they're usually around 1700 so you should check it out
  6. I owned it previously but it did have really outdated cooling, the cpu would come very close to hitting 100c in some senarios, it could've been just my model but I'd be careful regardless, the display shocked me that it was so dim but I adjusted to it after awhile. The sound wasn't bad, just average but the edges on the laptop were really sharp
  7. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B072C1FNN1/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1514255100&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=gtx+1070+laptop&dpPl=1&dpID=41CRN9zD18L&ref=plSrch this model is usually pretty decently priced if you want to get it new with a 7th gen cpu
  8. Hey guys, wanted to get some questions answered before I go out and buy an SSD. The laptop I'm buying it for is a GE63VR and after looking at the internals it has an open m.2 slot which looks like to be for a nvme drive gen 3 x2 PCIE. What I'm concerned about is how much of a bottleneck the x2 PCIE slot will be for a nvme drive.